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MA611 Master of Professional Accounting Assessment Task Answers




Referencing Styles: APA 

Course Code: MA611

Course Title: Master of Professional Accounting



Assessment Task Description

In addition to the Submission Guidelines appearing on page 1, the assignment is to be completed individually. The submission into the specific assignment dropbox in Moodle is to be made by each student individually.

This assignment is comprised is a single academic paper discussing a case.

The marking rubric below sets out the requirements:

Principally you will be marked on four components:

(1)What things did the auditor do wrong/fail to do?

(2)Legal issues both from a statue perspective (corporate law) and other legal issues.

(3)Ethical issues

(4) Format, Presentation Quality and Demonstration of Research



Prepare an Academic paper analysing and critically discussing the following case in terms of legal liability, and ethical failings. What might happen to Shirley and what defences she may have, and would they work (also what does the ASIC statement “refer the matter further” mean)