Technology and Software for Design and Production of Business Documents
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Assessment Details:-
- Topic: Design and Produce Business Documents
- Code: BSBITU306
Assessment Task:-
To complete the assessments in this workbook, students need to have access to their learning materials and the internet. The Knowledge Assessment and Case Studies may be completed wholly at the student’s home or chosen place of study.
The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for assessment.
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment components:
- Performance Evidence
- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
- Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied to understanding the tasks described in the elements
- Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be conducted under
The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these components as detailed in the matrix to follow:
Units of Competency | |
Assessment Activities |
Knowledge Assessment | |
Case Studies |
1. Knowledge Assessment
- Written assessments to test students’ understanding of underpinning knowledge, concepts and/or theories relevant to the units of competency included in this subject
2. Case Studies
- Detailed scenarios and simulated environments providing all necessary information required to complete relevant tasks and activities
Assessor to provide:
- Case studies and simulations
- Information about work activities, as necessary
Candidate will need access to:
- Access to office equipment and resources
- Computer with Internet Access
- Word processing computer program that can save files in any of the following file types:
- MS Office Word file formats
- MS Office Excel file formats
- PDF file format
- Cloud storage (either Dropbox or Google Drive)
- An audio recording device
- A volunteer (may be a friend, relative, or a colleague)
- From the options below, select the best technology that will meet each requirement in designing and producing business documents listed.
- Printer
- Photocopier
- Computer
- Scanner
Write the letters of your answer in the spaces provided.
Requirements in designing and producing business documents | |
d | i. Producing copies of a printed report for distribution |
b | ii. Creating a soft copy version of a printed report |
a | iii. Producing hard copies of a digital report |
c | iv. Creating a report on a spreadsheet |
2. The following are two of the most commonly used contemporary computer applications for creating reports and documents. For each application, describe two (2) features and identify two (2) functions useful for creating business documents. | ||||||
Computer Application |
Features |
Functions |
Microsoft Excel |
– Calculating – Within Microsoft Excel you can create a customized calculator by creating and programming your commonly used formulas and equations. This feature is a great way to safe time when creating calculations in business documents.
– Charting is another valuable feature used in business documents, Excel’s list of different graphs and charts that are avaliable is packed and creates a easy, visual and more digestive way to evalute information |
– Basic Financial Accounting – Excel allows businesses to create basic accounting programs and checkbook ledger that allows them to keep a track of the organizations financial transactions. By entering data this way it provides accountants with a easier manner to create charts and graphs to compare previous incomes and expenses.
– Customer Data – Small businesses can use Excel’s Spreadsheets to collect and compile contact information of their clients and customers. |
Microsoft Word |
Spellcheck capabilities check all spelling to keep the document professional and clean from mistakes. Word also checks your grammar and usage, offering alternative word usage. | Word processor, when creating good looking professional documents to send to someone. options are endless from the toolbar at the top of the page, fonts, line spacing, margins and special emphasis options like boldface and highlighting can be used to show emphasis.
– The ability to also add hotlinks, web addreses that |
open a page straight on the internet directly from the document it creates a unique and striking way to create documents in Word. |
3. Access the Accountability Now site here
(username: learner password: studyhard) Review the following documents, then answer the questions below: § Accountability Now Policies and Procedures for Creating Business Documents § Accountability Now Style Guide Answer in complete sentences. |
a. What are Accountability Now’s policies on language? Outline two (2) and include at least one (1) procedure under each policy. |
Vulgar or otherwise offensive language will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, Foul language, suggestive language, and content that promotes discrimination of any kind must be observed.
Any content produced must only display courtesy and professionalism. Content that includes foul language, suggestive language, and content that promotes discrimination of any kind, will not be tolerated. |
b. What are Accountability Now’s policies on documents? Outline two (2) and include at least one (1) procedure under each policy. |
Like the documents, courtesy and professionalism must be observed at all times. Refering to the addressee by names and minimising the use of slang and smileys, and if possible.
All Accountability Now documents are confidential. They must not be shown or shared to entities beyond the staff member, contracted workers, and clients of Accountability Now. |
c. List Accountability Now’s required typefaces for headings and normal text in documents for internal use. |
Internal use headings include Cambria which is the biggest heading, then for heading 2 Cambria is used again but in smaller size, Heading 3 uses Times New Roman, this font is also used in the normal text. | |||
d. List Accountability Now’s required typefaces for headings and normal text in documents presented to clients and for public disclosure. |
For documents to clients and for public disclosure, heading 1 uses Eras Demi ITC, Heading 2 uses the same but in smaller font size, heading 3 uses Times New Roman and the same is used for Heading 4 – Times New Roman. | |||
e. List the prescribed font sizes for headings in documents for public disclosure. |
Heading 1 – 28
Heading 2 – 20 Heading 3 – 14 Heading 4 – 11 |
f. List the prescribed corporate colours for Headings 1-3 in documents for internal use. |
The RGB custom colour for the headings are as follows, Heading 1 – RGB – 166, 166, 166
Heading 2 – RGB – 127, 127, 127 Heading 3 – RGB – 77, 77, 77 |
4. For each type of organisational plan, provide a short definition in no more than two (2) sentences.
i. Strategic plan |
A Strategic plan outlines where your company is going, so that everyone in the business is working with the same information. Ultimately, strategic planning helps to gauge what the organization is. |
ii. Tactical plan |
Tacital planning is used by managers to fulfill the short term goals of an organization. these short term goals are further set by action plans which aim to achieve the long term strategic goals of the organization. |
iii. Operational plan |
A Operational Plan outlines what each teams in the workplace do and their responsibilites. This includes their short term goals in which will achieve the company’s long term goals. |
iv. Contingency plan |
A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organiszation respond effectively to a signifcant future event or situation that may or may not happen. |
5. Proofread this sample text taken from
Rewrite the text in the space provided below. Ensure that your grammar, punctuation, capitalisation, and spelling are on point.
The findings released today by the ASIC demonstrates the importance of audit firms to continue their focus on their processes and address the root cause of inconsistencies in how audits are carried out.
The institute welcomes the recognition of ASIC and what work firms are doing in developing their audit quality action plans.
Over the past few years the Institute has conducted research regarding the audit’s practises of the firms servicing of Over 90% of companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. This is covering 6,000 partners and staff members.
We have delved into the perceptions of staff of the main drivers of audit quality to help firms in their root cause analysis, the ‘tone at the top’ is an important driver of audit quality and out findings show that while the tone is strong, improvements are needed in getting messages across to less senior staff members.
The Institute will continue to work with firms to help in the ongoing enhancement of audit quality.
Instructions to Candidate
The case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have access to a workplace, although, your past and present work experiences may help with the responses you provide. You will be expected to encounter similar situations to these in the future as you work in business administration.
In real life, office administrators will be required to design and produce business documents that comply with organisation and client requirements, using appropriate technology and computer applications. This assessment will help you demonstrate skill requirements in such situations.
Project Overview
These case studies will guide you to design and produce two business documents—a profit and loss summary and a sales summary.
To ensure the successful completion of these tasks, each has been divided into four steps:
- Select and prepare resources
- Design the documents
- Produce the documents
- Finalise the document
You will be provided with templates and supplementary guide questions throughout the assessments to document evidence of your completion of the relevant unit requirements addressed in these tasks.
The case studies will provide you with all the information you will require to complete the tasks that follow. Review the case studies carefully and complete the tasks according to the scenarios provided.
On top of following Accountability Now’s policies and procedures for developing business documents, the guidelines outlined on the next page must also be observed.
Accountability Now Document Guidelines
As part of Accountability Now’s policies to standardise all reports, the following guidelines are to be followed by all staff submitting financial reports:
- Must comply with the Accountability Now style guide;
- Must contain the Accountability Now logo on each page;
- Must have appropriate headings;
- Must be stored to a cloud storage like Google Drive or Dropbox, in a folder named “BSBITU306 [document name];”
- All required files in the production of the final document must be submitted within the specified deadlines if any.
Basic Design Elements for Printed Materials
- Appropriate use of capitals and underlining must be observed;
- Appropriate and organised headings must be used;
- Headings must follow a logical order (alphabetical, chronological, );
- Illustrations, photographs, and other illustrative material must be efficiently used for design purposes;
- Text is properly aligned;
- Block text is justified;
- Lists and tables are properly labelled and organised;
- Logos, branding, and organisational identity requirements are clearly presented;
- There are appropriate use and amount of colour;
- Use and amount of white space is maximised to highlight important details;
- Correct spelling of words (unless intentionally, due to the word(s) being a brand name or part of a catch phrase, ) is observed.
Case Study 1: Accountability Now
Accountability Now is the leading Chartered Accounting Firm in Cascade Peak. They provide accounting and bookkeeping services, tax compliance assistance, and professional specialist advice.
The board of Accountability Now will soon be holding their Annual General Meeting. The meeting will include a discussion on the financial performance of the company. As one of the senior bookkeepers in the firm, you have been tasked to create a profit and loss summary to facilitate this discussion.
For this specific report, the following information must be included:
- Graphs and/or charts you have created from the profit and loss summary:
- A column chart that shows the Expenses, Income, and Net Profit for 2016;
- A column chart that compares the Expenses, Income, and Net Profit for 2015, 2016, and 2017 (Projected);
- Each chart must be referenced as a footnote in the document. The references should be the sources of data that you used to create the charts (i.e., The Profit and Loss Summary);
- Information contained in the bookkeeper’s letter;
- The 2015 and the 2016 Profit and Loss Statements; These required files can be found in the Accountability Now site.
(username: learner password: studyhard)
On top of following Accountability Now’s policies and procedures for developing business documents, the guidelines outlined in the previous page must be observed. The report should include the following:
- A title page
- A brief overview at the beginning of the document
- Consistent margins and paragraph indentations
This workbook will guide you through the necessary steps to successfully complete your task. Take note of the designated timelines in the policies and procedures.
Your assessor will act as your supervisor throughout this case study.
Step 1 – Select and Prepare Resources
This step requires you to identify and prepare all the resources you will need to produce the profit and loss financial report.
To document your successful completion of this step, use the planning document provided in the link below:
Planning Document
Fill out all the fields in the document. For fields that are not applicable, write “n/a.” Any request for additional information or required resources must be requested for in the “Other comments” section.
Create a cloud storage folder. This can be any online platform, such as Google Drive, where you can upload files and provide people with links to access the files for viewing.
Once the file is completed, upload this in your cloud storage folder. Make sure that particular cloud storage folder is open and accessible for your assessor (who will be acting as your supervisor). Send a message via the Hub to your assessor with the link of the folder containing the file.
There is no need to print out this document. The first draft of the financial report is due within seven (7) working days after receiving approval from your supervisor to create the draft.
Planning Document
Name | |||
Position | |||
Required Output | |||
Assessor | |||
Due Date | Date Today | ||
Foreseen difficulties in creating this document
(List at least two (2)) |
Resources needed to address foreseen difficulties
(List at least two (2)) |
Hardware to be used | |||
Software to be used | |||
Will this file use macros? |
Yes No |
Will automation make work more efficient? | Yes
What functions can be automated? No |
Required Accountability Now Resource(s) |
About the Output
Title of Output | |
Number of Files Required
(Excluding planning document and photos) |
Number of Pages to be Printed | |
Accountability Now Style Template | Style 1
Style 2 |
Other comments |
Step 2 – Design Document
This step requires you to design the financial report you planned in Step 1.
Upon receiving the confirmation from your supervisor, begin creating your draft.
Make sure that you have followed the basic design principles and all the relevant policies and procedures stipulated by Accountability Now. Also, make sure that all the required information for this financial report is included.
Step 3 – Produce the Document
- Upon completing the draft in Step 2, upload it to your cloud storage folder. Send a message using the Hub to your assessor who will be acting as your supervisor in the task that the Planning Document and Draft Document are uploaded. They will provide you feedback by return messages. Make sure to observe the timeline stipulated in the relevant policies and procedures.
You are required to gain approval for your draft from your supervisor before you prepare the final copy.
- Provide at least two (2) of the following that you sourced online to resolve issues or difficulties while creating the
- Manual
- Training booklet
- Helpdesk
For each document you sourced, provide the following:
- Link to the exact page containing the information that helped you resolve the issue(s) or difficult(ies)
- The issue you encountered while creating the document.
Link to exact page |
Issue or difficulty that was resolved | |
Manual |
Training booklet |
Helpdesk |
Step 4 – Finalise the Document
Upon receiving your supervisor’s feedback in Step 3, amend the suggested corrections, if any. Once you have proofread and modified your document, save the final version of the financial report as shown below:
Upload the finalised version of your document in the cloud storage folder.
Print the finalised version of your document. Scan each page (or take photos if scanner isn’t available) after printing the document. Then compress the files of the scanned pages (or pictures of the pages) in one folder as shown below:
Save this folder. Upload this folder with your other submissions for this workbook upon completion of this unit.
Case Study 2: Awesome Landscapes
One of Accountability Now’s clients is Awesome Landscapes. Awesome Landscapes will be holding a meeting to review their sales figures over a three-month period. You are required to create a Sales Summary by creating a table based on the sales data provided below:
In the sales summary, the following information must be included:
- The name of the company, the type of report, the territory and date covered by the report
- Sales data organised by product and month
- The total for each month and for each product
- The grand total of sales from April to June
Accountability Now’s policies and procedures for developing business documents must be strictly followed, as well as the Accountability Now Document Guidelines and basic design principles previously outlined.
This workbook will guide you through the necessary steps to successfully complete your task. Take note of the designated timelines in the policies and procedures, as well as the timeline set by the client.
Your assessor will act as your supervisor throughout this case study.
Step 1 – Select and Prepare Resources
1. Awesome Landscapes has their own style guide located in the following link:
Awesome Landscapes Style Guide
As per company protocol, you are required to call the client to discuss whether they prefer to use Accountability Now’s or their own company’s style guide.
Using an audio recording device, simulate a phone call with a representative from Awesome Landscapes. Seek the assistance of a volunteer (this can be your friend, family, or colleague) to simulate the role of the client.
Use the following guidelines to complete the scenario:
- You must ask the client which style guide they prefer to be used in the
- The client must answer that they prefer to use their own style
- You must discuss and clarify the format used in their style guide. Your audio recording must be no more than five (5) minutes long in total and submit it to your Assessor.
2. Identify and prepare all the resources you will need to produce the sales summary using the planning document provided in the link below:
Planning Document
Follow these guidelines in accomplishing the document:
- Fill out all the fields in the document. For fields that are not applicable, write “n/a.”
- In the software to be used section, you must indicate a different application from the one you used in Case Study 1 (i.e., if you used MS Word for Case Study 1, you must use MS Excel in Case Study 2, or vice versa).
- Any request for additional information or required resources must be requested for in the “Other comments”
Once completed, upload this to the cloud storage folder you created.
There is no need to print out this document. The first draft of the financial report is due within seven (7) working days after receiving approval from your supervisor to create the draft.
Planning Document
Name | |||
Position | |||
Required Output | |||
Assessor | |||
Due Date | Date Today | ||
Foreseen difficulties in creating this document
(List at least two (2)) |
Resources needed to address foreseen difficulties
(List at least two (2)) |
Hardware to be used | |||
Software to be used | |||
Will this file use macros? |
Yes No |
Will automation make work more efficient? | Yes
What functions can be automated? No |
Required Accountability Now Resource(s) |
About the Output
Title of Output | |
Number of Files Required
(Excluding planning document and photos) |
Number of Pages to be Printed | |
Accountability Now Style Template | Style 1
Style 2 |
Other comments |
Step 2 – Design Document
This task requires you to design the sales summary you planned in Step 1.
Upon receiving the confirmation from your supervisor, begin creating your draft.
Make sure that you have followed the basic design principles and all the relevant policies and procedures stipulated by Accountability Now. Also, make sure that you follow the prescribed style and format in Awesome Landscapes’ style guide. All the required information for the sales summary must also be included.
and upload it to your cloud storage folder. Make sure to observe the timeline stipulated in the relevant policies and procedures.
Step 3 – Produce the Document
Upon completing the draft in Step 2, upload it to your cloud storage folder. Make sure to observe the timeline stipulated in the relevant policies and procedures.
You are required to gain approval for your draft from your supervisor before you prepare the final copy.
Guidance: Refer to the Accountability Now Policies and Procedures for Developing Business Documents for when the final draft must be submitted.
Step 4 – Finalise the Document
Upon receiving your supervisor’s feedback in Step 3, amend the suggested corrections, if any. Once you have proofread and modified your document, save the final version of the sales summary. Then print it out.
Upload the soft copy to your cloud storage folder. Present the hard copy to your supervisor.
For candidates studying in the distance education option, submit a PDF version of the financial report and a photo of the printed documents to your supervisor instead.