Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture Assignments
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Assignment Details:
- Words: 4000
Unit Reference Number | Y/617/8543 |
Unit Title | Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture |
Unit Level | 6 |
Number of Credits | 6 |
Total Qualification Time (TQT) | 60 hours |
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) | 20 |
Mandatory / Optional | Mandatory |
Unit Grading Structure | Pass / Fail |
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to provide learners with an understanding of a range of factors that influence health and safety behaviours, performance and culture in the workplace, including the impact of human and organisational factors, leadership styles, organisational structure and consultation arrangements. Learners will develop the skills to evaluate the health and safety culture and performance within an organisation, and to develop a coherent strategy to improve these.
Learning Outcomes- | Assessment Criteria- | |||
The learner will: | The learner can: | |||
1. | Understand key | 1.1 | Assess the importance of health and safety | |
organisational factors that | culture within an organisation. | |||
influence the health and | 1.2 | Evaluate the promoting factors and potential | ||
safety culture in the | barriers to health and safety culture in an | |||
workplace. | organisation. | |||
1.3 | Explain how to communicate and engage with | |||
staff to promote positive health and safety | ||||
awareness and behaviour. | ||||
1.4 | Produce a plan to promote a positive health | |||
and safety culture. | ||||
2. | Understand key human | 2.1 | Outline the human factors that contribute to | |
factors that influence health | individual behaviour. | |||
and safety performance | 2.2 | Explain human perception of risk and the | ||
and behaviour in the | classification of human failure. | |||
workplace. | 2.3 | Assess the impact of job factors and | ||
organisational factors on human reliability. | ||||
2.4 | Outline methods of improving individual human | |||
reliability. | ||||
2.5 | Evaluate the optimum conditions of | |||
behavioural change and behaviour change | ||||
courses and programmes. | ||||
3. Understand the impact of | 3.1 | Assess the impact of different leadership types | ||
leadership, structure and | on health and safety performance. | |||
consultation on the health | 3.2 | Outline the structure and function of a range of | ||
and safety culture of an | organisation types and the benefits and | |||
organisation. | limitations of each. | |||
3.3 | Explain the challenges of third party | |||
management in regards to maintenance of | ||||
health and safety. | ||||
3.4 | Explain the nature and importance of formal | |
and informal consultation with workers. | ||
4. Be able to develop a | 4.1 | Outline techniques and assessment criteria |
strategy to improve the | used to assess the health and safety culture of | |
health and safety culture of | an organisation. | |
an organisation. | 4.2 | Critically evaluate the current health and safety |
culture of an organisation by analysing | ||
assessment data. | ||
4.3 | Recommend measures to improve health and | |
safety culture of an organisation. | ||
4.4 | Develop a strategy to implement | |
recommended measures for improving the | ||
health and safety culture of an organisation. | ||
4.5 | Produce a business case to support the | |
improvement strategy. |
Task 1 of 2 – Report and Plan – Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Assess the health and safety culture of the organisation and produce a plan to promote a positive health and safety culture within an organisation.
The following must be included:
- Assessment of the importance of health and safety having a positive health and safety culture within an organisation.
- Evaluation of the benefits of positive health and safety culture within the organisation and the potential barrier to achieving a positive health and safety culture within an organisation.
- Explanation of how-to communication positive health and safety information and behaviour to staff at all level within an
- A detailed plan to promote health and safety culture within an organisation and how you aim the implement the plan.
Delivery and Submission:
- Report and Plan in Word format
- Word count: 2000 words
- Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any further.
- You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
- A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.
Task 2 of 2 – Health and Safety Policy Review and Plan
Assessment Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Carry out a critical review of the health and safety culture within an organisation and provide recommendations for improving health and safety culture, with associated strategy for implement of recommendations and supporting business case.
The following must be included:
- An outline of the human factors that contribute to individual behaviour within the organisation and the methods for improving individual human
- An explanation of human perception of risk and the classification of human
- An evaluate the optimum conditions for behaviour change with an organisation and the need for programmes and training to support behaviour
- An assessment of the different type of leadership styles within the organisation and its impact on health and safety
- Outline of the different organisational structures and functions and their benefits and limitations to health and safety within the
- An explanation of the challenges in relation managing and maintaining health and safety arrangements of third-party organisations (including contractors).
- An explanation of the nature and importance of formal and informal consultations with
- An outline of techniques and assessment criteria for assessing an organisations health and safety
- A critical evaluation of the organisation’s current health and safety culture, through the analysis and assessment of
- A detailed action plan to improve the organisations health and safety culture, including a detailed strategy for implementation of actions and recommendations and supporting business care for the improvement
Delivery and Submission:
- Health and Safety Policy Review and Plan in Word format
- Word count: 2000 words
- Learners are expected to adhere to the word count, provided as a range within the question text. A 10% leeway either side of this range is permitted before the assessor is instructed to stop reading any
- You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
- A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.