GSB015 Corporate Strategy and Responsibility Assessment Help
Assignment Detail:-
- Number of Words: 6000
The assessment tasks for this unit build on work previously submitted in the Managing, Developing and Implementing Strategy (MDIS) and Leading, Managing and Developing People (LMDP) or their equivalent for students who have received Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The assessment tasks also draw on relevant content and themes from the other units you have completed in the MBA. This approach is consistent with CSR being a capstone unit and encourages you to focus on viewing corporate strategy from an executive leadership perspective.
In line with contemporary academic practice on optimising learning outcomes in capstone units, there are six (6) specific meta-goals:
- Focus learning on problems or opportunities in real world contexts
- Challenge students to select and apply relevant theory/knowledge
- Integrate knowledge and multiple theoretical perspectives
- Promote individual personal growth
- Develop leadership and team process skills
- Create an experience that serves as a rite of passage
Source: Schwering, R 2015, “Optimizing learning in project-based capstone courses”,
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 90-104
Assessment Task 1
Task description
Two contemporary strategic issues will be identified and agreed by the facilitator with the students for analysis and application to their own organisations. Examples of contemporary issues in the past were: the acquisition of Whole Foods Markets by Amazon; the Boeing 737 MAX tragedies; the CEO crisis at UBER and Woolworths decision to split its Drinks and Hotel Business from its other Retail businesses.
Students are required to analyse one of the contemporary strategic issues facing the nominated organisation from the CEO and Board’s perspective. What are the key risks, opportunities and threats that have or may emerge from the identified issue?
Students are then required to re-analyse the implications of the identified issue from their own organisation’s perspective. In addition, students are required to identify possible second-level impacts on their own organisation from the issue. Students are required to prepare a Board briefing paper on the issue as if they were the organisation’s CEO.
Rubric: Assessment Task 1
Assessment criteria | Standard not met | Standard achieved (Pass) | (Credit) | (Distinction) | (High Distinction) |
Criterion 1
Review, analyse and evaluate the focal strategic issue within the nominated organisational context. |
Adequately describes the focal strategic issue in light of the nominated organisation’s strategic positioning, choices and actions (Topics 1 – 4). | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In addition: | |
– analysis of focal strategic issue is made distinctly clear and expressed convincingly. | – analysis of focal strategic issue is well supported by highly relevant independently sourced research (journal articles and industry reports) that lend further credibility to the factors informing the nominated organisational context. | – analysis of focal strategic issue is very well articulated, succinct, and original in light of the nominated organisational context. | |||
35 marks | 1 mark | 21 marks | 24 marks | 28 marks | 35 marks |
Criterion 2
Application of and implications for focal strategic issue to own organisational context. |
Clearly articulates how the focal strategic issue is likely to impact their own organisation’s strategic positioning, choices and actions (Topics 1 – 4). | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In addition: | |
– considers and discusses the risks, opportunities and threats posed by the focal strategic issue on their own organisational context. | – substantiates recommendations for action by their own organisation using independently sourced research material that is highly relevant and credible. | – expresses the implications of the focal strategic issue in a particularly well- written and well- structured manner. | |||
20 marks | 1 mark | 12 marks | 14 marks | 16 marks | 20 marks |
Criterion 3
Reflection and analysis of possible second level impacts from the focal strategic issue on their own organisational context. |
Clearly describes possible second level impacts arising from the focal strategic issue in their own organisational context. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In addition: | |
– supports discussion with independently sourced research from journal articles and industry reports. |
– identifies wider implications of the risk, opportunities and threats posed by the focal strategic issue on their own organisational context. |
– formulated discussion is particularly clear using convincing language, suitable for presentation at a real-world board meeting or equivalent. |
10 marks |
1 mark |
6 marks |
7 marks |
8 marks |
10 marks |
Criterion 4
Research and application of theoretical frameworks to focal strategic issue. |
Demonstrates sufficient research through the correct application and referencing of at least 4 academic sources throughout the report and by referencing key concepts from the textbook. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In addition: | |
– demonstrates further research initiative through the correct application and referencing of additional academic and industry sources. | – makes plausible and measured connections between theory from independently sourced research and the focal strategic issue. | – formulates original insights into the broader field of corporate strategy and responsibility through sophisticated integration of independently sourced research. | |||
20 marks | 1 mark | 12 marks | 14 marks | 16 marks | 20 marks |
Criterion 5
Presentation, writing and compliance with the assessment submission requirements. |
Assessment is submitted as a report following the recommended report format, meets the prescribed word count within a 10% margin, is written in clear English with a logical flow between sections, is proofread and edited and applies correct referencing with in-text citations and a reference list. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction
standard met. In addition: |
– report is well written, contains tables and/or graphics which are correctly referenced and labelled throughout the report. | – report is virtually free from any referencing, grammatical or formatting errors and reads with fluency. | – report is impeccably designed from coversheet through to table of contents, to headings, subheadings and reference list and appendices (if applicable) and would be ready for submission to the executive of a large organisation without amendments/
editing. |
15 marks | 1 mark | 9 marks | 10 marks | 12 marks | 15 marks |
Assessment Task 2
Task description
Drawing from the insights gained in the previous assessment task, students are required to identify three (3) strategic issues that have the potential to significantly impact their organisation over the next five (5) to ten (10) years. The identified issues must draw on industry reports from the IBIS world database available on the AIM Business School library as well as other relevant sources.
Students are required to analyse these issues from the perspective of their organisation’s CEO and prepare a Briefing Paper. What are the key risks, opportunities and threats that have or may emerge from the identified issues?
Students are then required to write a reflective briefing paper for the board on why they are the best person to lead their organisation as the CEO for the next five (5) years. As a starting point, students should draw on the Professional Development Plan (PDP) they wrote as Assessment Task 2 in the Leading, Managing and Developing People (LMDP) unit. If you haven’t undertaken LMDP at ABS but have recognition of prior learning (RPL) for an equivalent course at another institution, you may have access to a similar document.
Alternatively, please access your annual performance appraisal or similar document you may have written that identifies your personal goals.
The PDP (or equivalent) provides the foundation for reflecting on what they’ve learned as future executive leaders as well as what additional development opportunities they need to address. Any additional insights gained during the unit from reading materials and self- assessments should also be referenced in the Assessment Task.
Rubric: Assessment Task 2
criteria |
not met |
achieved (Pass) |
(Credit) | (Distinction) | (High Distinction) |
Criterion 1
Identify and analyse 3 core strategic issues facing their organisation over the next 5 to 10 years taking into action their organisation’s strategic position. |
Adequately describes the 3 strategic issues facing their organisation in light of its strategic position and choices available. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction
standard met. In addition: |
– analysis of strategic issues is clearly linked to current organisational strategy, resources and capabilities and is distinctly clear and expressed convincingly. | – analysis of 3 strategic issues is well supported by highly relevant independently sourced research (journal articles and industry reports) that lend further credibility to the factors informing the nominated organisational
context. |
– analysis of 3 strategic issues is very well articulated, succinct, and original in light of the nominated organisation context. | |||
25 marks | 1 mark | 15 marks | 17 marks | 20 marks | 25 marks |
Criterion 2
Develop recommendations on how the organisation needs to address these challenges taking into account risks, opportunities and threats. |
Clearly articulates recommendations to address these 3 strategic issues based on their organisation’s strategic positioning and choices available. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In
addition: |
– considers and discusses the risks, opportunities and threats posed by the 3 strategic issues for their organisation. | – substantiates recommendations for action by their own organisation using independently sourced research material that is highly relevant
and credible. |
– expresses the implications of the 3 strategic issues in a particularly well-written and well-structured manner. | |||
15 marks | 1 mark | 9 marks | 10 marks | 16 marks | 20 marks |
Criterion 3
Reflect and comment on their leadership behaviours, decision making and risk management skills and why they should lead their organisation as CEO. |
Clearly describes how their personal assets and deficits (in terms of their leadership behaviours, decision making and risk management skills). | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction
standard met. In addition: |
– supports discussion with independently sourced research from journal articles and industry reports. | – presents a coherent action plan on what they will do to prepare for executive leadership. | – formulated discussion is particularly clear using convincing language, suitable for presentation at a real-world board meeting or equivalent. | |||
25 marks | 1 mark | 15 marks | 18 marks | 20 marks | 25 marks |
Criterion 4
Research and application of theoretical frameworks to focal strategic issue. |
Demonstrates sufficient research through the correct application and referencing of at least 4 academic sources throughout the report and by referencing key concepts from the textbook. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction standard met. In
addition: |
– demonstrates further research initiative through the correct application and referencing of additional academic and industry sources. | – makes plausible and measured connections between theory from independently sourced research and the focal strategic issue. | – formulates original insights into the broader field of corporate strategy and responsibility through sophisticated integration of independently
sourced research. |
20 marks | 1 mark | 12 marks | 14 marks | 16 marks | 20 marks |
Criterion 5
Writing and compliance with the assessment submission requirements. |
Assessment is submitted as a briefing paper following the recommended format, meets the prescribed word count within a 10% margin, is written in clear English with a logical flow between sections, is proofread and edited and applies correct referencing with in-text citations and a reference list. | Pass standard met. In addition: | Credit standard met. In addition: | Distinction
standard met. In addition: |
– briefing paper is well written, contains tables and/or graphics which are correctly referenced and labelled throughout. | – briefing paper is virtually free from any referencing, grammatical or formatting errors and reads with fluency. | – briefing paper is impeccably designed from coversheet through to table of contents, to headings, subheadings and reference list and appendices (if applicable) and would be ready for submission to the executive of a large organisation without amendments/
editing. |
15 marks | 1 mark | 9 marks | 10 marks | 12 marks | 15 marks |
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