CHCCCS007 Develop & Implement Service Programs Assessment 1
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Assessment Task 1: Scenario
“The information provided here is based on the assessment tasks for CHCCCS007 – Develop and implement service programs provided by Aspire Training & Consulting. The intellectual property of this Student Assessment Booklet remains with Aspire Training & Consulting.”
Required documents and equipment:
- Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources (available at RGIT computer lab during COVID-19, ensure compliance with COVID-19 regulations when visiting the campus)
- Student assessment booklet.
- Aspire Learners’ Guide for the unitCHCCCS007 – Develop and implement service programs(organised by the trainer).
Instructions for students:
This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroomwith access to the resources listed above.
You must satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
Planning the assessment
- Duration: Specified by RGIT due date
- Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the internet.
- Time required for assessment: 3 hours.
- You must:
- Answer all questions in the scenario assessment.
- Complete them and submit in due timelines.
- Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
- Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.
Evidence specifications: At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due date specified by the assessor:
- Completed scenarios with all questions answered.
- Cover sheet for assessment.
Evidence submission:
- Documentation can be submitted electronically.
- Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
Assessment procedure
You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and can seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment. You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment. If you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate the time needed with the assessor. Following the assessment, your work will be assessed and marked as appropriate. If you have provided insufficient responses or work that is not satisfactory, your assessor will engage with you in a one on one discussion to identify the areas for improvement. In these situations, you will be provided with written feedback and specific guidance on how to achieve a satisfactory outcome. You will be provided with additional time to address any deficiencies and must resubmit the work for reassessment. Following receipt of your satisfactory work submission, the assessor will record their observations about your work within the assessment record. All students’ work will be retained as evidence. If you require a copy of your work, then you must retain a copy for yourself prior to submission.
Scenario and questions:
Read the scenario , then answer the questions that follow.
Scenario 1
Max is a young man living in a youth hostel. He is not happy with his case worker visiting on Thursday afternoons because he wants to go to footy training at this time. He doesn’t know how to raise it with his case worker who is very busy and says she is only able to visit on Thursdays when she is in the area. Max takes part in a focus group, which has been set up by a project worker to gain feedback about the hostel program, where he raises the issue of the clash.
1. What are two (2) processes that could have been put in place for Max to act earlier?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
2. How could Max’s issue get included in management processes?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
3. How could the program be modified to meets Max’s needs? Provide two (2) suggestions.
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
Scenario 2
Peter is a support worker in a disability service. Sally, a new person he is interviewing and developing an individual plan with, uses a wheelchair and has significant hearing and speech impairments.
4. List at least four (4) topics Peter should be asking about Sally to assess her individual needs?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
5. What are two possible barriers that could limit Sally’s participation?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
6. How can Peter make sure Sally is able to give feedback on the service she receives and that it is acted on? Identify at least four (4) strategies.
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
Scenario 3
You are a project worker in a community house. A new program has been developed to encourage the growth of community gardens in the neighbourhood. Local government, the local primary school and a local nursery are all partners in the project.
One of the objectives of the program is to integrate some newly arrived refugees into the program. The refugees are from Syria.
7. How might you ensure staff are culturally aware in relation to people from Syria and what type of external group might you draw on to facilitate this?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
8. What methods could you use to communicate roles and responsibilities to the local nursery staff?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
9. What are two documents you may develop as part of the program planning to set up the gardens and recruit participants?
Answer | ||
Outcome | Satisfactory | Not Satisfactory |
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