A Rhetorical Analysis Essay examines how an author or speaker uses language & techniques to persuade, inform, or entertain an audience.


What is a Rhetorical Analysis?


A rhetorical analysis is a very special piece of writing where all the elements of any rhetorical situation are considered, such as purpose, audience, medium, context, etc. Here, communication is always generated and delivered to make the argument regarding that communication.


Rhetorical Analysis Essay


How Do You Write a Good Rhetorical Analysis Essay?


A rhetorical analysis usually includes 5 paragraphs with 3 parts. These 3 parts are an introduction, 3 paragraph bodies and a conclusion. Following are the major steps to writing a rhetorical analysis essay. We will provide you with the best online Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing Service.


  1. Gather all Information: Here, you need to use the SOAPSTone technique to identify all the major components of your work to plan your rhetorical essay analysis. This acronym is widely used in various literary analyses, and its full form is occasion, speaker, purpose, audience, tone and subject.
    • Speaker: He is the narrator or the writer
    • Occasion: where the ad is, when the work is taking place, and in which context.
    • Audience: who are listening to your text
    • Purpose: reason behind writing the essay
    • Subject: the essay topic
    • Tone: your attitude towards our paper
  1. Examining the Appeals: Here, you need to use appeals, also called persuasive strategies, in order to get your audiences to have certain effects. These appeals are ethos, logos and pathos. These are explained as follows:
    • Ethos: These are the ethical appeals to show your own credibility.
    • Logos: These are the logical appeals, such as data and evidence, to make any argument.
    • Pathos: These are the pathetic appeals that have an emotional effect
  1. Identifying the Choices and Style: Here, you can use these tools to generate the audience reaction. These are the elements like word order, word choice, repetition, tone, analogy, imagery, and figurative language.
  2. Building an analysis: Here, you can ask yourself about all the data and information that have been collected for you. The answers will aid you in determining the reasons for making your choices to support all your given arguments. The following are such questions:
    • What is your intention?
    • Who are your audiences?
    • What arguments are you stating?
    • What are your own strategies to give a strong argument?
    • How do you really appeal to your readers?
    • What writing style is used by you?
    • What effect will your essay have on your audiences?
  3. Writing Your Introduction: Your introductory part should always be crystal clear as well as precise. It needs to portray your main essay idea to your readers.
  4. Writing the Thesis: The thesis statement of your essay needs to be one sentence long and will be written at the end of your introductory part. It needs to summarize the argument to be attended by you regarding your own strategies. This is one of the major parts of your essay.
  5. Writing the Essay Body: Here, you need to write at least 3 body parts to provide all the evidence for your essay. Each of these parts must portray one new topic. You can also organize your paragraph by various appeals like logos, ethos, pathos, etc. It would help if you always wrote them in chronological order. Here, each of these parts always needs to be supported by facts, data, examples, quotes, etc. At the terminal part of each paragraph, you must bring the topic back to the thesis.
  6. The Concluding Part: Here, you need to express the thesis already stated by you. Here, you only need to mention the main points in a summarized manner. A call to action is also needed here to make it more interesting to your readers.


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What are the Key Concepts in Rhetorical?


The key concepts in rhetorical are as follows:


  • Text (Logos): These texts come in a number of sizes and shapes. In this context, the text is not limited to only writing. A rhetorical essay text can be a film, recording, photograph, history, song or anything.
  • Author (Ethos): Here, you are the creator of your text. Here, the auto is not a single person. It can also be an organization. Here, you need to examine the text’s situation and the author’s identity with background. You can get ample opportunities to explore all the biographical information regarding the author.
  • Audience (Pathos): Your audience can be any individual or group who will receive your essay, and they need to be influenced. In order to examine this rhetorical text situation, you need to examine who your target audience is and their backgrounds. It is the assumption of the audience regarding the author in the way they perceive your essay based on their respective demographic background, such as gender, age, culture, etc.
  • Purposes (Telos): This is the real purpose of your essay and what you want to convey to your audiences through your essay. Here, both you and your audiences can have a purpose in any rhetorical situation of the text you are writing. However, you need to inform, convince and define or announce to notify and influence your audiences.
  • Setting (Kairos): Only text does not make your essay interesting. It was written in a specified time, place, context, date, etc. These all effect the text communication. Here you need to examine setting of both the author as well audiences that the text was triggered on any particular event or occasion or event.


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Rhetorical Analysis Essay Tips


  • Gather enough information by using the SOAPSTone technique
  • Examine all the appeals
  • Make the style choices
  • Make your own analysis
  • Write a good introduction
  • Make the thesis
  • Write a good essay body
  • Give a good conclusion


Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline


  • Text analysis: When you write your Rhetorical Analysis Essay, you need to secret your key points and read the text very carefully a number of times in order to achieve your target. Here, you need to focus on the author’s real purpose in writing the text. What claims are made through the text, or are various topics discussed? Then, you need to look at what the audience is saying and what they want to do.

The tone used by the author to address the audience. How are they trying to evoke more sympathy? Are there any personal perspectives, too?

How does the author support the claims, and what type of evidence is presented by him? Are they providing implicit or explicit warrants? Are these convenient enough for the audiences?

You need to identify what rhetorical devices are used to achieve any aim.




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Rhetorical Analysis Introduction


  • Stay away from the block of the writer: If you need clarification about how to write the introduction, you can skip it for a while, jump down a few lines, and start by writing your thesis statement. After writing the thesis, you need to move on to the body of the very next paragraph. In an APA style of essay writing, it comes in the paragraph body. Thus, you need to spend your time wisely in the introductory part. After completing the paragraph body, you can write a good introduction if you have time. You can complete your introductory part after you get all the ideas you need.
  • Include the rhetorical situation as well as a thesis: In the introductory part of your essay, you need to reference the rhetorical situation. This situation tells your readers what to analyze in the essay. Here, you also need to include a defensive thesis statement. Your defensible thesis needs to refer to the rhetorical choices intended to be analysed within the essay to convey your message, purpose or argument.
  • Avoid overuse of attention grabbers: In higher education levels, you need to avoid writing your introduction with a question. Now, you need to use your rhetorical question as an opener. Instead, you should try converting the rhetorical question into any statement. If you want to make your introduction more interesting, write a description or provide any historical facts.


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Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph


Plan to write your essay body paragraphs: Here, you need to have both commentaries and evidence. These 2 compliments are the most important. The evidence can be presented in 2 ways- paraphrase or direct quote. A diet quote always comes from the text word for word. Here, you need to embed the used quotes into compact sentences in an orderly manner. These questions should also be brief. Paraphrasing means taking the words of the writer and writing them in your own words.


You also need to complement your body paragraph with proper evidence. The commentary will add more value to your essay. It explains the evidence’s significance in order to prove your thesis value.


While planning your commentary, you need to consider a few points. Here, you need to think about why the writer chose those audiences. Then, you need to consider the structure that you need to convey to your audience via your essay.


Make proper prompting: These are usually short and can be added easily. It also contains all the valuable information. The prompt tells you about the elements of the rhetorical situation, like the writer as well as the target audience. It can also provide you with information regarding the context of the passage. This prompt might provide all the necessary data and information in the context used by the author.


Finally, this prompt can hint at any information regarding the essay’s purpose. Here, you can use the word “hint” as you need to go deeper to read and analyze the purpose. This prompt can help you in getting started. For example, this prompt might help you in disquieting with all the rhetorical choices that contribute to this purpose.


Annotate the passage: While reading the passage, you will annotate. These annotations are commonly used to note all the rhetorical choices made by the author. It can be easily done by underlining the comments in the paper margins. If you are writing on a computer digitally, you must highlight the text’s additional comments. While doing this, you can understand the author’s purpose for writing the rhetorical choice.


You should not highlight any evidence while reading. If you highlight more, it will become more difficult to get all the needed information in detail. Here, you can also divide the passage into different sections and then look for topic, ton, choice, etc.



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Rhetorical Analysis Conclusion


The concluding part is really essential for your thesis. If your thesis is not a defensible one, then you can restate and clarify your thesis in the conclusion. The conclusion is in a very good place for giving a broader context to the issue in the paragraph. Thus, you are zooming in a deeper meaning to the passage.


Final Words


You can see that writing a good rhetorical analysis essay takes work. You always need the help of the best online Rhetorical Analysis Essay Help Services from the top experts. AssignmenthelpAUS.com is the top choice for you.


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