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The Company “Señorío De Begué” Originally From the Province Of Jaen (Spain)
Evaluation Guidelines
The final work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Acquired knowledge (25%): the knowledge acquired throughout the course of the subject will be evaluated through the analysis of the theoretical data shown in the project presented by the student.
- Development of the Subject (25 %): the interpretation of the thesis subject by the student and its development will be evaluated in a coherent and analytical manner.
- Final result (25%): the final evaluation is based on coherent solutions applied to solve objectives set out in the paper. The presentation must be conclusive and formatting must meet established parameters.
- Additional information and bibliography (25%): additional information regarding the research and subject matter will be evaluated and taken into consideration as a bonus. This consist of: bibliography, visual graphics, charts, independent studies carried out by the student, external academic sources, articles of opinion, etc. All sources, both printed and online, must be referenced according to the APA regulations.
The company “Scenario de Begue”, originally from the province of Jaen (Spain), is dedicated to the sale and distribution of olive oil. For the next year, it intends to export its products outside of Spain.
Señorío de Begué (fictitious company), has a high quality product, very prestigious and well known in Spain, as well as a good structure of production and sale for national trade.
Although sales continue to increase in Spain, they have decided to make the leap to the international market to continue this line of growth.
The company needs someone to take charge of this important new phase for Señorío de Begué. In this case, you will be the chosen one to carry out the task.
1. In the first place, you will have to carry out a study of the product and the sector in Spain, as well as its competition.
2. Choose 3 countries to export and analyze the external situation in each one of them. The countries should be:
– One of Europe.
– One from Latin America
– One from Southeast Asia.
3. Conduct a market study of each of these three countries regarding the oil market. Find out what would be the product distribution in the country, taking into account issues such as documents, agents, tariffs, etc.
4. From the study carried out, detail the advantages and disadvantages that each of the countries has when marketing the product.
If you had to choose one of these countries to start the adventure towards foreign trade, which would it be? Explain your answer.
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