Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis Approaches Assignment 1
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Assignment Details:
Words: 2500
1)Provide a critical discussion on the differences between quantitative and qualitative analysis approaches for decision making, and provide examples of at least 3 analysis techniques for each category. In other words, you will require 3 examples for quantitative analysis techniques, and 3 for qualitative analysis techniques to substantiate your comparison; Your examples can come from different contexts/sectors, but selection of the techniques from the same sector would be recommended. You would need to cite scholarly sources to substantiate your arguments. This critical comparison should also discuss the circumstances when qualitative analysis vs. quantitative analysis should be adopted. A table to summarise the results of your comparison would be very helpful (word count for the entire task 1 is 1000 words ± 10%).
2)The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the operations of several organisations globally. Critically discuss what insights can be derived by organsiations,using Systems Thinking approaches and techniques, to understand the often complex impacts of the crisis on their business operations. In your discussions, you should refer to real-world examples of Systems Thinking tools and models that have been adopted at local, regional or global levels by different organisations, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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