Managing Operations & Projects Operations Management Assignment Questions
Assignment Detail:-
- Number of Words: 3000
Answer Both Questions
Case study
Namanve Hand Tools Company
Namanve Hand Tools Company, one of the most successful of the African hand tool manufacturers, decided to move into the ‘woodworking’ tools market. Previously its products had been confined to car maintenance, home decorating and general hand tools. One of the first products which it decided to manufacture was a general-purpose ‘smoothing plane’, a tool which smoothes and shapes wood. Its product designers devised a suitable design and the company’s work measurement engineers estimated the time it would take in standard minutes (the time to perform the task plus allowances for rest etc.) to perform each element in the assembly process. The marketing department also estimated the likely demand (for the whole African market) for the new product. Its sales forecast are 548,000 units in year 1, 740,000 units in year 2 consecutively. The marketing department was not totally confident of its forecast, however. ‘A substantial proportion of demand is likely to be export sales, which we find difficult to predict.
But whatever demand does turn out to be, we will have to react quickly to meet it. The more we enter these parts of the market, the more we are into impulse buying and the more sales we lose if we don’t supply.’ This plane was likely to be the first of several similar planes. A further model had already been approved for launch about one year after this, and two or three further models were in the planning stage. All the planes were similar, merely varying in length and width.
Designing the manufacturing operation: It has been decided to assemble all planes at one of the company’s smaller factory sites where a whole workshop is unused. Within the workshop there is plenty of room for expansion if demand proves higher than forecast. All machining and finishing of parts would be performed at the main factory and the parts shipped to the smaller site where they would be assembled at the available workshop.
An idea of the assembly task gives the ‘standard time’ for each element of the assembly task. Some of the tasks are described as ‘press’ operations. These use a simple mechanical press that applies sufficient force for simple bending, riveting or force-fitting operations. This type of press is not an expensive or sophisticated piece of technology.
Costs and pricing: The standard costing system at the company involves adding a 150 per cent overhead charge to the direct labour cost of manufacturing the product, and the product would retail for the equivalent of around A35 in Europe where most retailers will sell this type of product for about 70–120 per cent more than they buy it from the manufacturer.
You have been hired to turnaround Namanve Hand tools, a local business entity that has caused enormous financial loss consistently for over ten years. How would you respond to the concerns below in the process of transforming Namanve Hand tools into a modern hand tools giant?
Question. 1
1. Citing examples from the case study, explicate the following terms as applied in operations management:
1) Project;
2) Quality;
3) Supply Chain;
4) Logistics;
5) Operations Management.
2. As a newly recruited operations manager at Namanve Hand tools, write a report clarifying the five prospective roles you are to play in this new career
3. Using examples from the case study, outline five differences between goods and services.
Question. 2
1. Apparently the poor performance of Namanve Hand tools emanated from poor implementation of ‘Input-Transformation-Output Model’ as a result of not understand the model conceptually. As a professional operation manager, you are tasked to prepare a presentation to demonstrate how the model is practically applied in a manufacturing
2. Drawing on your expertise in operations management, examine five competitive priorities that the management of Namanve Hand Tools Company should concentrate on in order out compete rivals in the same
3. Using appropriate definition of ethics and social responsibility, outline four ethical issues that should be considered while building productive systems for Namanve Hand tools Company.
- How many staff should the company employ?
- What type of facilities and technology will the company need to buy in order to assemble this product?
- Design a layout for the assembly operation (to include the fly press work) including the tasks to be performed at each part of the
- How would the layout need to be adjusted as demand for this and similar products builds up?
Answer all Questions
Question. 3
Namanve Hand Tools Company has been experiencing challenges with most of the projects it would undertake. As a consultant, help the company overcome these challenges by addressing the following concerns:
1. Write a report to guide the company on how to conduct the four feasibility studies.
2. Namanve Hand tools Company, worn a tender to deliver hand tools to deliver hand tools to selected
Youth projects in different Districts of Uganda. Since, every tender is treated as project the company business, hence, such projects have many stakeholders. If they are not handled carefully, the company may end up losing the project. As an expert in operations management demonstrate how you will use ‘The Stakeholder power grid’ to manage these stakeholders.
3. Drawing from your expertise in operations management, point out five ‘characteristics of an effective project manager’ that should be used recruits a suitable manager for this mega project.
Question. 4
1. For the success of the project mentioned in Q3ii, Namanve Hand tools Company management should set up an appropriate systematic productive system to deliver the mega project on time. Using product lifecycle interface notion, examine the different types of productive systems to be designed for this mega project.
2. Namanve Hand tools Company management intends to roll out a new product to the Youth, therefore it should develop new product, however, it does not understand the process of developing new As a consultant in operations management, demonstrate the process to be used by the company develop and produce the new product.
3. Using description on capacity planning, outline the four issues to consider for a good capacity decision.
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