Social and Environmental Aspects of Health and Wellbeing Essay Assignment Solution
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Summative Assignment – Written Essay (4000 words)
Your written assignment follows an essay type format (Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion). Your written assignment will need to discuss the information you have gathered during your research into your topic. You will need to negotiate and agree your written assignment focus with your Tutor before undertaking your initial research.
The following structure is recommended when writing up your written assignment.
The Written Assignment Title will be formed from the following topics… Smoking, Obesity, Excess use of alcohol or Physical Inactivity/Sedentary behaviour.
The Social and Environment Aspects of (insert your topic… either Smoking, Obesity, Excess use of alcohol or Physical Inactivity/Sedentary behaviour).
To assist you to focus this work further you can choose a specific population/age group. For example:
The Social and Environment Aspects of Physical Inactivity/Sedentary Behaviour in Young People
Introduction (approx. 400 words)
Set the scene
Start by setting the scene with a sentence that states the broad topic focus of your written assignment. The purpose of an introduction helps to prepare a reader for what you plan to discuss, imagine you are writing for a reader who is not familiar with the factors being discussed. You need to first prepare them by showing them the wider picture. This needs to be short and attention-grabbing. You want to make the reader want to read on.
Then provide a definition of your chosen health concern either Smoking, Obesity, Excess use of alcohol or Physical Inactivity/Sedentary behaviour.
Outline the 3 key aspects you have chosen to discuss in the essay. If you are unsure what aspects you want to discuss, look back over the module resources to inform your choice. In the final sentence of your introduction, you need to signpost the reader to what is to come in the rest of the assignment. Look back over your module resources to inform your choice.
Main Body (approx. 3200 words)
The main body of the assignment will consist of 3 key social and or environment aspects of your chosen subject. The key social and environmental aspects you could explore are culture, gender, income, ethnicity, occupation, education. This breaks down in to just over 1,000 words per key aspect. Please use a sub heading for each social/environmental aspect.
For each key aspect you will need to use your research from your sources, to show how this aspect impacts health and wellbeing. For example, does your culture make it easier or harder for a person to consume alcohol? Why is obesity more predominant in certain groups of people? What is this related to? Is it due to their ethnicity or occupation? Your sources should include some statistical data which provides evidence to support the point you are making.
Each paragraph will be a collection of information from the many sources that you have gathered for your written assignment. You will need to reference these sources. This will mean that most sentences your write will be paraphrases of your sourced information and therefore will require a citation. At the end of each paragraph link, it back to the assignment question/summarise your point (PEEL).
Your research will guide your assignment, and the points you make about these key aspects. What does the research say about your key aspect in relation to your chosen topic? You could use statistics here to highlight your point. Is there consensus on how your aspect affects your topic? If not, why not? Who is arguing against the current approaches in your chosen topic? Is it because your key aspect is being ignored? What are other sources’ thoughts relating to your key aspect and how it affects your topic? Follow the information found in your sources to show the reader why your key aspects are important to your topic.
Conclusions (approx. 400 words)
Those points you have made in relation to the key aspects in the main body of the essay should be briefly highlighted in the first part of the conclusion. From the points you have made about those 3 key aspects in the main body of the essay, an argument or point of view will emerged from your research, about the topic you have chosen. This is what you summarise here and finish with. Do not introduce new points of view or arguments that you have not mentioned previously. Do remember to include references to your sources of information in your conclusion.
References (this is not included in your word count)
Referencing System: Harvard – The full reference list is to be presented in alphabetical order of first author/organisation.
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