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FNSCUS501 Develop and Nurture Relationships with Clients, Other Professionals and Third Party Referrers Assessment 2


FNSCUS501 Develop and nurture relationships with clients, other professionals and third-party referrers  
Unit Description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate and network with a wide range of people, internal and external to the organisation, to increase efficiency, build continuing relationships and improve sales
Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Develop professional business relationships
  • Build and maintain business networks and relationships
  • Nurture relationships and build on referral business for the long term


FNS50315 Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management Assessment Question


Instructions to complete this assessment

In order to complete this assessment, you are required to complete the following sections consecutively. Details and specific instructions are provided within each section and on the form/templates provided.


Supporting documents

To find the relevant supporting documents, please refer to the Assessment Resources folder, located within the FNSCUS501 Develop and nurture relationships with clients, other professionals and third party referrers section of your course.



Step 1: Download and review the document, “Professional Relationship Case Studies” located in the Assessment Resources folder.

Step  2:  Respond  to  the  questions  2.1-2.4,  referring  to  the  Professional  Relationship  Case  Studies document when developing your responses:

Read Case Study 1. What could a Mortgage Broker learn from this case study about liaising, developing, and securing longstanding and effective relationships?



Read case study 2. Assume the purchaser has been referred to a commercial property conveyancer by the mortgage broker. How could the mortgage broker apply high level communication, negotiation, interpersonal and relationship management skills to avoid the situation described in the case?



With regard to Case Study 2, what goals, policies, or procedures of the mortgage broker’s organisation might need to be addressed?



Read case study 2. How should the mortgage broker have adapted to any special cultural needs of his client?





Reference ID: #getanswers2001052