BX2072 Change Management Case Study Assessment Answers
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Assignment Details:
- Words: 2500
- Topic: BX2072 Change Management
- Identify the critical points in the case study that triggered the need for change throughout Qantas’s history
- Identify, discuss, and critically analyze models and theories of change you think are relevant to the Qantas case study. Provide specific examples from the case to support your discussion
- How might the continuing impact of COVID-19 affect Qantas’s ongoing operations once international flights resume and state borders open?
- What advice would you give to the Qantas executive on how they might plan for future change
It is expected that to effectively answer these questions you will need to conduct your own research into Qantas and the external and internal environments that have prompted the need for change and future implications for the business. It will be insufficient to rely on your textbook and the case study.
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