5OS06 Leadership and Management Development Case Study Solutions
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This unit builds on the fundamentals of learning and development, taking a closer look at the essential area of leadership and management and how this is critical in developing the right culture and behaviours to establish a working environment which is cohesive, diverse, innovative and high performing. Choosing the right tools and approaches to facilitate development will ultimately impact organisational effectiveness
CIPD’s insight
Leadership in the workplace
The term ‘leadership’ is used in various ways, although it can be seen broadly as the ability to influence people to achieve a common goal. Leaders use many different approaches and can operate at any level, so identifying and developing leaders can be challenging. But when leadership is skilfully demonstrated, it can bring positive outcomes for individuals, teams, organisations and wider communities. So, it’s important to develop leaders to fit current and future needs of an organisation, as well as invest in environments that enable leaders to be effective.
Leadership in the Workplace | Factsheets | CIPD
Management Development
Skilled managers are critical to employee engagement, organisational success and even national economic wellbeing. This means that developing managers is essential to enhancing their skills, competencies and knowledge
Management Development | Factsheets | CIPD
Leadership Learning
Despite devoting considerable time, money and effort to commissioning employee training programmes the return on investments has been poor. What’s going wrong with training programmes?
The link below takes you to an article that provides six steps to talent development What’s holding back leadership learning | CIPD
Case study
You are the Head of Organisation Development (OD) for Magma Park, a large distribution centre for white goods. The Magma Manufacturing Company delivers various white goods (major appliances such as fridges, freezers, washing machines, etc) by light truck, from its national UK distribution centres to eight retail outlets in the UK
Due to the pandemic, Magma have lost some of their management team due to furlough and downturn of business. You have recently appointed 5 new managers that have been chosen as part of an internal talent pathway. They are current employees that have worked for Magma for up to 10 years so understand the business and how it works.
You have been tasked with developing a guidance document for all new managers to support them with their development into management and then provide a report to the senior leadership team so they can assess the cost/benefit ratio of offering leadership and management interventions.
Preparation for the Tasks:
- Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.
- Pay attention to how your evidence is presented, remember you are working in the People Practice Team for this task.
- Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.
You will also benefit from:
- Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and training and continuing professional development.
- Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics.
- You should relate academic concepts, theories, and professional practice to the assessment task(s), in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications.
Don’t forget to:
- Complete the front cover sheet, sign with a “wet signature” and place at the front of your assessment.
- Use the bullet points below each task as headings and sub-headings so your marker can see where your answer begins.
Task One – Guidance Document
You want to provide a document for the rest of your team to help them understand the importance of leadership and management development, the role that OD play, as well as what initiatives could be developed to help newly appointed managers of their management journey. This should be designed to be distributed via your OD Teams channel so this can be reviewed at any time.
The document should be split into two sections:
Section 1
- Analyse the external factors that drive the need for leadership and management within the organisation (AC 1)
- 1.Explain the key differences between leadership and management roles and styles and the implications of each for organisational effectiveness. (AC 2)
- 1.Compare the different knowledge, skills and behaviours required for leadership and management in (AC 1.3)
Section 2
- Discuss the role of people professionals in supporting leadership and management development initiatives. (AC 1)
- Evaluate the different concepts and range of approaches that are available for effective leadership and management development (AC 2)
- Discuss why diversity and inclusion should be an integral component of leadership and management development initiatives. (AC 2.3)
Task Two – Senior Leadership Team Report
This task requires you to produce a report to your senior leadership team (SLT) to help them understand how you can measure the effectiveness of leadership and management development initiatives and the role they play.
The report should contain:
- Evaluate the indicators of successful leadership and management development initiatives. (AC 1)
- Explain the range of stakeholders and the involvement they have in leadership and management development initiatives. (AC 3.2)
- Assess the impact and importance that leadership and management development initiatives have on organisational culture, strategy, reputation, and (AC.3.3)
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