ORG20003 Organisational Behaviour Assignment 1: Answers
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ORG20003 Organisational Behaviour Assignment 1: Analytical Essay
Word limit: 1500 (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 20%
Deadline: As per Required
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Assignment overview
This assignment aims to test and develop your understanding of Organisational Behaviour concepts further by asking you to research one of the topics below. In presenting this assignment you should thoroughly explore some key aspects of the given topic using not only the prescribed textbook but also other relevant academic sources.
This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1 and 2.
Assignment details
Write an essay on one of the topics below:
Topic 1: The organisational consequences of work-life balance have become an important issue for organisations today. It is believed that balancing a successful career with a personal/family life can be challenging and impact on an individual’s satisfaction in his/her work. Discuss these statements.
Topic 2: In recent decades, increasing changes in the content and organisation of work have resulted in an intensification of work, which is regarded as a cause of stress.
What are the effects of this job stress, in particular, on an employee’s wellbeing and job satisfaction? And how can these effects be prevented?
Topic 3: Much attention has been paid to the belief that working in groups will yield greater productivity than individuals working alone. The increasingly global nature of organisations has made groups comprised of individuals from different cultural backgrounds commonplace. Thus employees are being confronted with co-workers of diverse cultural and socio-demographic backgrounds. Discuss the impact of this phenomenon on effort levels of group members and the implications for organisations.
Topic 4: Critically evaluate the use of key motivational theories in increasing employee engagement. In your answer, use examples to support your arguments and consider the practical application of the theories relative to improving employee engagement within the organisation.
You need to analyse the findings of your research and show their relevance to the topic and present academically convincing answers to the topic question. Any references made to supporting literature should be incorporated in to the general body of the essay.
This is an academic research essay, so academic journal articles should be your primary resource.
- You are required to critically analyse the essay topic and find supportive evidence for your answer. In answering the topic, you must do the following:
Use at least six (6) academic sources. These may be journal articles and/or textbooks.
Do not use any unreliable materials sourced from the internet. It is important that you use academic references, such as scholarly peer-reviewed articles, as distinct from
journalistic and industrial accounts or documents. - Do not include more than 10% of the word count in direct quotes from your sources. You should paraphrase from sources you are using.
- You do not need to use headings but please present your essay in the following sequence:
• Introduction.
• Discussion.
• Conclusion.
• References.
- Use Swinburne Harvard-style referencing. You may refer to the S winburne Harvard
style guide for assistance.
The Study Resources area of the Student Hub has a section on Essay Writing that may help you with this assignment.
Submission details overview
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Submit Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL.
Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.
Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so.
Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated. See the ‘Turnitin originality report’ area of the Academic practice page in the Study Resources section of the Student Hub for several guides to assist with the submission process.
Assignment support
Don’t forget that in addition to your eLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.
If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment task, see
Assignment support: Studiosity.
Assignment criteria
1. Context of and purpose for writing.
2. Content development.
3. Genre and attention to detail.
4. Sources and evidence.
5. Grammar and expression.
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High
Distinction 80-100% |
Context of | Did not | Demonstrates | Demonstrates | Demonstrates | Demonstrates a |
and purpose | meet | consideration | awareness of | an | thorough |
for writing | criterion. | of context, | context, | understanding | understanding of |
(20%) | audience, and | audience, | of context, | context, | |
purpose. | and purpose | audience, and | audience, and | ||
Submission | of the | purpose of the | purpose of the | ||
covers the | assignment. | assignment. | assignment. | ||
majority of the | Submission | Submission is | Submission is | ||
required | covers all | responsive to | responsive to | ||
elements. | required | the assigned | the assigned | ||
elements. | task(s) and | task(s) and | |||
covering all | comprehensively | ||||
expected | and competently | ||||
elements. | covers all | ||||
elements. | |||||
Content development (20%) |
Did not meet criterion. | Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas throughout the assignment. | Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through the assignment. | Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling discipline related content to explore ideas and shape the content of the assignment. | Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to
illustrate mastery of the assignment topic, conveying the writer’s understanding, and shaping the whole assignment. |
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High
Distinction 80-100% |
Genre and attention to detail (20%) |
Did not meet criterion. | Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organisation and presentation. | Follows expectations appropriate to the assigned task as such as organisation, content, and presentation. | Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to the assigned task, including organisation, content, presentation, and stylistic choices. |
Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to the assigned task including organisation, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices. |
Sources and | Did not | Demonstrates | Demonstrates | Demonstrates | Demonstrates |
evidence | meet | an attempt to | effective use | consistent use | skilful use of |
(20%) | criterion. | use credible | of appropriate | of credible, | high-quality, |
and/or relevant | and relevant | relevant | credible, | ||
sources to | sources to | sources to | relevant sources | ||
support ideas | support ideas | support ideas | to develop ideas | ||
that are | that are | that are | that are | ||
appropriate for | situated | situated within | appropriate for | ||
the discipline | within the | the discipline | the discipline | ||
and genre of | discipline and | and genre of | and genre of the | ||
the writing. | genre of the | the writing. | writing. | ||
writing. | |||||
Grammar | Did not | Uses | Uses | Uses | Uses |
and | meet | straightforward | language that | expressive | sophisticated, |
expression | criterion. | language that | generally | and | expressive and |
(20%) | generally | conveys | appropriate | appropriate | |
conveys | meaning to | business | business | ||
meaning to | readers with | language that | language that | ||
readers. The | clarity. | competently | skilfully | ||
language is | Attention to | communicates | communicates | ||
understandable | detail is | meaning to | meaning to | ||
but there may | evident. | readers with | readers | ||
be room for | clarity and | eloquently and is | |||
grammatical | fluency and is | grammatically | |||
improvement. | grammatically | error free. | |||
correct. |
Request for assignment extension
We understand that at times your studies may be adversely affected by illness, misadventure or some other extraordinary cause or circumstance reasonably beyond your control. If you feel this is the case and you need an extension to support you in completing your assignments, please select the option that you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
Assessment declaration
All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assignment items.
Declaration and Statement of Authorship
1. I have not impersonated, or allowed myself to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this assignment.
2. This assignment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
3. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned.
4. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other course/unit.
5. I give permission for my assignment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection, benchmarking or educational purposes.
I understand that:
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the university.
Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents,
interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through working with another person or in a group.
Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
I agree and acknowledge that:
1. I have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship above.
2. I accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assignment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship.
3. If I do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my aggregate score for this unit.
4. I am aware that it is not acceptable to resubmit the same piece of work (in part or as whole) for multiple assignments without permission from the Unit Coordinator.
Penalties for plagiarism range from a formal
caution to expulsion from the university, and are detailed in the Student Academic Misconduct
Regulations 2012.
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