Organisational Behaviour Assignment sample online
Topic:: ORG2003 Organisational Behaviour
Document Type:: Essay writing (any type)
Subject:: Business
Deadline:: As per Requirement
Citation/Referencing Style:: Harvard Swinburne
Order Description:: Case Study Team Report
Case Study No. 4. Key issues highlighted are leadership and team dynamics. ELA suggested only pick 2 or 3. Please dig deep on the theories readings to be emailed. References to be current and peer-reviewed. Note the layout of the report. with recommendations after the conclusion. etc Team working for HD.
I have textbook readings also that I can send through which will provide further readings.
After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 2 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment
Assignment overview
The purpose of this assignment is to challenge you to apply OB concepts to real-life issues/problems. You should try to capture one or more organisational behaviour issue/dilemmas/challenges faced by management in a real organisational setting, and come up with alternative approaches to solving
issues and problems based on sound reasoning and support of relevant OB theory and best practice.
Assignment 2 is a team assignment. The teams are made up of four to five students and you will use a team discussion board to collaborate. There is a discussion in Week 4 where you can allocate yourself to a team. Your ELA will ensure that you know how to access your team discussion board once the teams are formed.
Working as a team to produce this report will provide you with an opportunity to hone your teamwork skills. These skills are directly transferable to workplace environments where individual and team accountability is expected.
This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Assignment details
As a team of four to five students, you will draw on your understanding of Organisational Behaviour (OB) theory and apply it to a case study. The five cases form the basis for this assignment. You are required to choose one of them, as a team, and produce a report drawing on two or three of the OB theories you have covered during this unit. You can access them via the link below:
Case studies (PDF 136 KB) (Swinburne Online n.d.)
You should thoroughly research the issues you consider relevant to the case and link them to associated OB theories providing recommendations.
Your report should cover the following items:
- Why this particular case was chosen for your report.
- An overview of the case study.
- A summary of the major OB-related issues involved in this case.
- An explanation of these issues and recommendations for processes and procedures to avoid a reoccurrence (supported by relevant OB concepts and theories).
The team charter you developed during the Week 6 activity is an essential part of establishing a common focus for this task. It should be appended to your report to attract an automatic 5% of the overall mark for this assignment.
Please note: the team charter is not included in the word count for this assignment.
Please draw from the following suggested structure to guide your report development:
Title page
Executive summary Table of contents Introduction
A brief overview of the case study.
Why this particular case was chosen for your report. The purpose of the report.
Your methodology (including the scope of the report).
Overview of the case study.
Issues identified (an issues statement).
Highlighting what has been learnt from the case study.
The issues you have identified should be addressed here using relevant academic literature to support your decisions.
All sources used should have in-text citations and should be properly referenced using
Swinburne Harvard-style referencing. You may refer to the Swinburne Harvard style guide
( for assistance.
Including the team charter (DOC 64 KB) (not included in word count) you created in Week 6 as well as any relevant information (such as tables, graphs, etc.) that supports your findings.
The Study Resources area of the Student Hub has a section on Report writing
( and a document on T ips
for successful teamwork ( that may help you with this assignment.
Submission details overview
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Submit Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL.
Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to use it.
Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so.
Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated. See the ‘Turnitin
originality report’ area of the Academic practice
( page in the Study Resources section of the Student Hub for several guides to assist with the submission process.
Assignment support
Don’t forget that in addition to your eLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.
If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment task, see Assignment
support: Studiosity.
Assignment criteria
- Structure and format of the report (including referencing).
- Content
- Critical
- Written
- Team
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High Distinction
80-100% |
Structure and format of the report (including
referencing) (15%) |
Did not meet the criterion. | The report contains the most required sections, although each section could be better developed or detailed. | The report contains all the required sections, which have been adequately developed and detailed. | The report contains all the required sections.
The majority of sources used are correctly cited |
The report contains all the required sections.
All sources used are correctly cited and referenced |
An attempt has been made to correctly cite and reference all | Most sources used are correctly cited and referenced | and referenced according to
Swinburne Harvard style. |
according to Swinburne
Harvard style.
There are no |
sources used. | according to | There are fewer | errors with the | ||
There is an over-reliance on direct | Swinburne
Harvard style. |
than 5 errors in the referencing. | referencing. | ||
quotes (10% of | There are fewer | A reasonable | |||
total word count) | than 10 errors in | number of | |||
and the | referencing. A | reporting verbs | |||
integration of | limited number of | have been used | |||
others’ ideas with | reporting verbs | to introduce and | |||
the writing can at | have been used | integrate the | |||
times be | to introduce and | ideas of others. | |||
awkward. | integrate the | ||||
The reference list | ideas of others. | ||||
adheres mostly to | |||||
Swinburne | |||||
Harvard style. |
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High Distinction
80-100% |
Content knowledge (35%) | Did not meet the criterion. | Some significant
issues in the case study have been identified. These issues have been addressed in the recommendations section using some relevant academic literature and OB theory. Nevertheless, some unclear and irrelevant content remains. The conclusion |
Most significant
issues in the case study have been identified and discussed with appropriate and accurate detail and description. These issues have been addressed in the recommendations section using a range of relevant and reliable academic literature and OB theory. The conclusion section highlights what has been learnt from the case study. |
All significant
issues in the case study have been identified. These issues have been addressed in the recommendations section using a range of relevant, current and highly credible resources, showing a consistent and sound understanding of OB theory. |
The issues in the case study have been identified. These issues have been addressed in the recommendations section using a
wide range of relevant, current and highly credible resources, showing a consistent and sound understanding of OB theory. |
section mostly highlights what has been learnt from the case study. | There is a consistent
justification of answers to identified issues |
The report consistently and confidently demonstrates accurate, detailed | |||
and the learning | and | ||||
reflection. | comprehensive | ||||
The conclusion section clearly highlights what has been learnt from the case study. | understanding of the relevant theories to explain and justify decisions and these decisions
clearly link to a |
thorough analysis | |||||
of the case study | |||||
and relevant | |||||
literature. | |||||
The conclusion | |||||
section clearly | |||||
and effectively | |||||
highlights what | |||||
has been learnt | |||||
from the case | |||||
study. |
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High Distinction
80-100% |
A critical analysis (30%) | Did not meet the criterion. | The writing is largely
descriptive with statements of theories provided. Critical analysis requires greater analysis of the applicability of these theories and considerations to the particular case study, so this needs to be evident. Information from more relevant and reliable sources could be presented, so that greater points of view/approaches are presented. |
The relevant theories are correctly
identified, defined and applied to the case study example. There is some comparative evaluation. The writing questions some assumptions in the literature. It identifies several relevant contexts when presenting a position. |
The report demonstrates the ability to construct an
issues statement based on the relevant theories with evidence provided by the most relevant contextual factors. However, the issues statement could be more complex. |
The issues statement is complex and complete.
The writing ably demonstrates the attributes of critical reading, critical thinking and analysis through the report’s structure and the way it is supported and illustrated. |
Proposes | |||||
recommendations | |||||
that are difficult to | |||||
evaluate because | |||||
they are vague or | |||||
only indirectly | |||||
addresses the | |||||
case study | |||||
situation. |
Criteria | No Pass | Pass 50-59% | Credit 60-69% | Distinction 70-79% | High Distinction
80-100% |
Written expression (15%) | Did not meet the criterion. | There is some evidence of appropriate word choice in terms of academic and professional standards.
Nevertheless, this is inconsistent throughout. |
There is some evidence of appropriate and deliberate word choice.
Nevertheless, there remain half a dozen significant errors in grammar and punctuation, some of which require reformulation of the sentence by the reader. The review has some evidence of editing as demonstrated in some sections of the writing. |
Word choice is appropriate to both an academic as well as
industry context. There are fewer than 5 errors in grammar and punctuation, none |
Word choice is deliberate and highly appropriate to both an academic and
industry context.
There are no significant or careless errors in grammar and punctuation. Editing has obviously been a key process in the preparation of the report as demonstrated by the excellent professional standard of the writing. |
There are 10 | of which | ||||
significant errors | significantly | ||||
in grammar and | impact on the | ||||
punctuation. | readability of the | ||||
These can prove | writing. | ||||
intrusive and disruptive for the reader. | Editing is obvious in the final preparation of the | ||||
The report has | critical analysis | ||||
little evidence of | as demonstrated | ||||
final editing so | by the high | ||||
some careless, | professional | ||||
ambiguous | standard of the | ||||
and/or | writing. | ||||
inappropriate | |||||
language use is | |||||
evident. | |||||
Team charter (5%) | Did not submit charter. | The team charter has been submitted providing evidence of skill development in teamwork.
Successful submission of the charter guarantees the awarding of 5% of the total mark for this assignment. |
The team charter has been submitted providing evidence of skill development in teamwork.
Successful submission of the charter guarantees the awarding of 5% of the total mark for this assignment. |
The team charter has been submitted providing evidence of skill development in teamwork.
Successful submission of the charter guarantees the awarding of 5% of the total mark for this assignment. |
The team charter has been submitted providing evidence of skill development in teamwork.
Successful submission of the charter guarantees the awarding of 5% of the total mark for this assignment. |
Request for an assignment extension
We understand that at times your studies may be adversely affected by illness, misadventure or some other extraordinary cause or circumstance reasonably beyond your control. If you feel this is the case and you need an extension to support you in completing your assignments, please select the option that you feel is most appropriate for your situation.
Please note: the request must be received prior to the submission date and time of the assignment.
Assessment declaration
All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assignment items.
Declaration and Statement of Authorship
- I have not impersonated or allowed myself to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this
- This assignment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is
- No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher
- I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other course/unit.
- I give permission for my assignment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection, benchmarking or educational
I understand that:
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the university. Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents,
interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through working with another person or in a group.
Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
I agree and acknowledge that:
- I have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship
- I accept that the use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assignment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of
- If I do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my aggregate score for this unit.
- I am aware that it is not acceptable to resubmit the same piece of work (in part or as a whole) for multiple assignments without permission from the Unit
Penalties for plagiarism (
assessment/plagiarism-academic-integrity/plagiarism-misconduct/) range from a formal caution to expulsion from the university and are detailed in the Student Academic Misconduct Regulations 2012. (
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