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How to prepare your Assignment Effectively: Assignment Homework Sample And Solution
Evaluation Guidelines
The final work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Acquired knowledge (25%): the knowledge acquired throughout the course of the subject will be evaluated through the analysis of the theoretical data shown in the project presented by the student.
- Development of the Subject (25 %): the interpretation of the thesis subject by the student and its development will be evaluated in a coherent and analytical manner.
- Final result (25%): the final evaluation is based on coherent solutions applied to solve objectives set out in the paper. The presentation must be conclusive and formatting must meet established parameters.
- Additional information and bibliography (25%): additional information regarding the research and subject matter will be evaluated and taken into consideration as a bonus. This consist of bibliography, visual graphics, charts, independent studies carried out by the student, external academic sources, articles of opinion, etc. All sources, both printed and online, must be referenced according to the APA regulations.
The final work of NLP allows the student to apply all the knowledge acquired during the course, in addition to expanding and consolidating the information.
The subjects to work are of free choice, depending on the needs of each student and the chosen cases. It is important that this work is of maximum utility, so the subject must be chosen thoroughly to be enriching and profitable for the personal and/or professional life of the student.
- Choice of subject/topic: Detect a real situation in which you are insecure, have a sense of blockage or inability to manage or cope with it normally. A situation in which you want to improve your current state and produce a positive change to improve it is also valid.
a) The orientation of the work is internal, that is to say, the student is at the same time the guide and the explorer.
b) Choose a topic to address among the following:
- Communication
- Leadership
- Achievement of objectives in the workplace
- Conflict management
- Scared of speaking in public
- Work stress
Each of these concepts is very extensive and encompasses a wide range of possibilities, it is essential that the chosen problem is related to one of these topics.
c) Justify in detail the reasons for the election.
d) Define the problem
e) Make a theoretical approach to the topic you have chosen.
2. Define the Present State (PS) and the Desired State (DS): You must briefly define in a visual way the Present State or Problem State and the Desired State.
3. Define the goals:
a) Formulate the main goal and three secondary goals: It is time to operationalize the problem and define the goals you want to achieve.
b) Elaborate a table with the POPPERS strategies: Once you have formulated the goals, make sure they are optimal with the help of this tool, which you can find in Module 2. Elaborate a table and solve all the questions that are posed in each one of the items (Positive, Own Part, Specificity, Evidence, Resources, Size).
4. Case study: You must carry out the intervention through the techniques learned during the course in practical sessions. In the resolution of the case, it must be seen how the desired state has been reached, in an orderly, coherent way, step by step.
a) Choose at least 4 NLP techniques:
- Theoretical Development of the Technique
- Justification of the election
b) Action Plan: design an action plan to achieve the objectives you have set, defining:
- Nº of sessions
- Duration of the sessions
- Schedule
c) Practical application:
- Technical explanation of the application
- Keeping a diary
Results and findings
Before starting, you must choose the option you want to solve; individual coaching or team coaching. You must solve only one option, as we will only evaluate one of the two options.
Individual Coaching
- Analyse the starting situation of the Online Marketing Department:
- To provide context, explain what the starting situation is, from an analytical perspective.
- Explain the importance of carrying out a coaching process; what could happen if you do not act quickly, and what benefits would be obtained after the intervention.
- Establish some goals: Formulate at least 3 goals to achieve with the executive coaching process.
- Plan a complete individual coaching process for Marc Blumer: In this section, you should design the entire coaching process, and frame the sessions within the Coaching phases. This planning must be very detailed and precise, explaining step by step the entire process. You must bear in mind:
- Structure of the Coaching phases: plan how many sessions to perform in each of the phases, and what actions or techniques to apply in each one.
- Include “powerful questions”, use the Grow Method to lead the questions.
Team/Department Coaching
- Analyse the starting situation of the Online Marketing Department:
- To provide context, explain what the starting situation is, from an analytical perspective.
- Explain the importance of carrying out a coaching process; what could happen if you do not act quickly, and what benefits would be obtained after the intervention.
2. Establish some goals: Formulate at least 3 goals to achieve with executive coaching.
3. Plan a complete team coaching process: In this section, you must design the entire coaching process for the Online Marketing Department. Bear in mind:
- The structure of the phases: plan how many sessions to perform in each of the phases, and what actions or techniques to apply in each one.
- Include five “powerful questions” per session.