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CHCDIS003 Support Community Participation & Social Inclusion Project Case Study Answer
CHCDIS003 Support Community Participation Assessment 2 Answers
Read the instructions below before commencing this project:
- This is a take away assessment that can be prepared in your own time out of
- You are required to research the following topics and answer the questions within each topic
- Make sure you write clearly and legibly
- The length of the answer is indicated by the instructions for each task
- Your assessor will provide you with time frames to complete this assessment
- It must be your own work
- Attach additional A4 size papers to complete your responses, if the given space is not sufficient
Read the following case scenario:
Case Study 1: Heath is an experience disability support worker who has recently moved from interstate. The national conference of a peak disability body is held over three day in his new home town. He attends the entire conference and learns a lot. One of the people he supports in his new job is Neville, an indigenous man in his 30’s . Neville is a musician and has had drug and alcohol issues in the past and has liver damage and mild brain damage because of it.
Neville feels disconnected from his cultural heritage. It has been more than 10 years since he has seen most of his family members except for his sister Pearl who was responsible for getting him into rehab. He wasn’t to reengage with them; Particularly his young nephew who he guesses are about 13 or 14 now. He also wants to start playing music again but not in pub’s or club’s.
Pearl is a Christian and things that music will lead her brother down the path to hell again. Neville also wants to get back control of his money. His sister has an administrator appointed when he was on drugs.
Students are to answer the following questions.
Q1. List two ways that Heath could help Neville find out about the community inclusion options he seeks.
Q2. Give two reasons why Neville might feel it is important to reconnect with his family at this stage of his life and given his culture.
Q3. List two barriers that Neville may face getting involved in playing music and one idea for overcoming each of these.
Q4. Suggest who ways that Heath could present the information about the options available to Neville and his sister?
Q5. Does Neville have the right to control his own money? Consider the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(UNCRPD).
Case Study 2:
Ron is a young man with a large family. He has had a psychological disability that caused him to self-harm but now he is on medication and positive about life.
At his first meeting with Janet, a supervisor at a disability service that specializes in fitness, he discusses his love
for running. Janet asks him how far he could go with it and Ron smiles ‘One day I want to run a marathon’. Janet later meets again with Ron, his sister and his mother. The meeting is productive and identifies that Ron has diabetes and epilepsy which he manages himself with medication. The impact of these health conditions and the side effects of all his medication, which includes dizziness and nausea, are also discussed.
His support needs include transport and due to the severity of his epilepsy, Ron cannot get a driver’s license.
The say that Ron needs to be kept busy and active otherwise he can get depressed.
Janet, Ron and his mum meet again and finalize their ideas and put them in the plan including all the details
about Ron’s medication.
Janet investigates joining a gym with Ron, but when he lists all his medication on the fitness assessment form the manager of the gym is reluctant to take Ron on as a member. After another assessment, the gym agrees to offer Ron a restricted membership at half price, excluding use of the weight room, on agreement that a support worker accompanies him. Getting of a treadmill at the end of his session, Ron strikes up a conversation with a young woman who has finished her workout, they share a coffee in the cafe afterwards.
Q6. List 2 strategies that Janet has used to identify Ron’s needs for participation.
Q7. List two support strategies that were effective for Ron.
Q8. List two things that Janet did to identify a relevant community option for Ron.
Q9. How has Janet assisted Ron to access the gym in a cost-effective way?
Q10. How has Ron become more connected with the community?
Q11. What are two important pieces of information that all workers who support Ron should be aware of in his plan?
Case Study 3:
Will wants to attend a surf carnival on the coast but his car has been stolen. Will is a talented ex-pro surfer who lost his right leg in a shark attack. He drives a modified vehicle with dashboard controls. His brother has a panel van that he wants to borrow to get down to the coast and participate in the carnival.
Q12. What change need to be made for Will to be able to drive his brother’s car?
Q13. What is the best solution for Will to get to the surf carnival?
Q14. Will goes to look for a new car nearby with Donny, his support worker. Will ends up buying the car. He asked Donny to drive it home for him. What should Donny do?
Q15. What could Donny suggest for will to do?
Q16. What can Donny do to help and ensure Will has his car properly modified?
Case study 4:
You are supporting Greta, a shy young teenager with mild intellectual disability and degenerative condition that affects her eye sight. Greta loves going on rides and slideshow games and she clearly wants to attend the agricultural show in the city where she lives. She generally very cooperative and easy to get along with. her vision impairment mainly affect her peripheral vision. she cannot see things that are not directly in front of her. she asks to go on a ride but has a height limit. She is few centimetres taller than the minimum height. Her support worker is worried but she pleads with him saying that she can’t get hurt if she is safely strapped into a ride.
Q17. What could the support worker have done before taking Greta to the show to clarify the risks?
Q18. What solution could you suggest to the predicament the support worker is in?
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