BUS117: Supervision Leadership Development Skills Research Report in APA Essay Format


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Assignment Details:

  • Referencing Styles : Open
  • Course Code: BUS117
  • Course Title: Supervision
  • Words: 1200
  • University: American Military university
  • Country: US


Research report on an influential leader that details how well the leader performs the 4 functions of management (Planning, Leading, Organizing, and Controlling), the methods he or she uses (or likely uses) to develop subordinates’ skills, and provides a statement regarding this leader’s stance on human resources and diversity issues. You may choose any leader you like; however, it is recommended that you choose someone on whom there sufficient information in the credible media. Forbes is an excellent place to start. There is no page minimum or maximum, but you must address each facet described in the paragraph above with adequate detail to demonstrate your sufficient knowledge and understanding. It is expected that this paper will follow traditional APA essay format (cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page, all in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced). The paper must be the student’s own original work with sources properly attributed in APA format. It is recommended that you use the following headers: Planning Leading Organizing Controlling Skills Development Human Resources/Diversity