BUS 1101: Principles Of Business Management Assignment
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- Referencing Styles : APA
- Words : 1500
- Course Code: BUS 1101
- Course Title: Principles of Business Management
- University: University of the People
- Country: US
Synthesis of the data contained in the attached information released by the Anti-Fraud Collaboration on Kendallville Bank in USA1, you will prepare a report for the directors of the bank in which you will critically evaluate, analyse, discuss, and comment upon the key issues in the corporate governance and management control case of Kendallville Bank. The report will explicitly address the following matters:
1. International/global issues: Here you need to show a clear critical discussion regarding global issues in corporate governance
2. Ethics issues: Identify ethical issues and, based on current international practices and empirical research, evaluate appropriate ways to resolve these issues.
3. Combined Issues: Approach the solutions for the above corporate governance, ethics and CSR in original thinking.
- A detailed review of the corporate governance structures and board of directors in place at Kendallville Bank.
- In the context of current international best practice, to make recommendations for future changes within the bank in terms of its corporate governance practices. (You have to ensure that you use various international corporate governance practices to support your analysis and conclusions).
- An evaluation giving any assumptions made on how the management control systems and the culture of the company may need to be changed showing a critical awareness of ethical and sustainability issues.
- The report will specifically relate the issues arising in this case to the academic literature in this area relating to corporate governance, management control systems, ethics, CSR, and sustainability.
The report will be assessed and marked on the level of considered and knowledgeable discussion of the subject literature in relation to the case, not on a “right” conclusion. You should state clearly any assumptions you make. The body of your report should not exceed (excluding references) but you may add to that additional information in the form of appendices and tables. Exceeding the specified word count may result in a penalty of deducted from the assignment mark
Detailed background information to the case study is attached This includes useful materials such as:
- Overview about Kendallville Bank and its strategy.
- Information about the board of directors, and internal and external audit.
- Kendallville Bank culture and control environment.
Be Written In A Plain Style, Using Subheadings And Lists Where Appropriate.
- Be properly referenced, using APA 7th Edition2, acknowledging all the sources you have used, and only the sources you have used, in the body of the text and at the end in a section headed.
- Include evidence of locating and reading sources beyond the suggested initial reading. In particular the discussion of International best practice and management control systems should be supported by the use of relevant academic references.