NRSG 138 Transitions to Nursing – Australian Catholic University
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Assessment Brief:
- Referencing Styles: APA
- Words: 2000
- Course Code: NRSG138
- Course Title: Nursing
- University: Australian Catholic University
- Country: AU
First 4 steps of CRC; Consider the Patient Situation Collect cues and information Process Information Identify the Problem/Issue
Case Study The Demetriou family have booked an appointment at their local multidisciplinary Primary health clinic for their yearly influenza injection.
The Demetriou family live in a 2-level home in the suburbs of South-Eastern Sydney. Peter (46 years) and Danielle (44 years) live with their 3 children, Harriet (19), Jack (17) and Lola (12). Peter’s father died 4 years ago from colon cancer, and his mother, Maria (67), has moved in with the family. Peter Demetriou- 46 years old. Peter was born in Greece and migrated to Australia as a small child.
He owns and runs his own successful building business, which focuses on home renovations mostly. It has been a stressful time for Peter, and he’s not on top of this business bookwork. While Peter has an active lifestyle, he has a poor diet (typically eats fast food for lunch) and drinks socially on the weekend. Harriet Demetriou-19 years old. Harriet is a second-year nursing student. She works casually at the local Woolworths and volunteers at the local hospital as people greeter/ way-finder.
Harriet enjoys socialising with friends and drinks alcohol at the parties she attends. She has recently become sexually active. Lola Demetriou-12 years old. Lola is in her first year of high school. She is struggling to fit in high school and has started to feel anxious attending school. She loves ballet and gymnastics. Lola has asthma which she had since she was 4 years old. She can usually self-manage her symptoms with medications. Don’t assume any diagnosis.