MBAX9122 Economics In Management Practice Analysis Assignment Solution
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- PAGES: 12
- COURSE TITLE: Economics in Management Practice
- UNIVERSITY: University of New South Wales
GDP Growth Rate In the United Kingdom from 2016-2020.
Use the Aggregate Demand and Supply Model and your research to explain the movements in the GDP Growth Rate over this period. Your Answer should primarily use the Aggregate Demand and Supply Model. Still, you may also use the Loan able Funds and the FIX Loan able Funds Model in your analysis if you deem it appropriate.
Some background information about the country in the period you selected, including an explanation about what was happening at the time and any ‘country-specific issues with the macroeconomic variable that is being studied. You should also briefly explain why you have chosen that particular period.
Variable Analysis
Provide a long-term time-series plot of the macroeconomic variable that you are studying. Compare and contrast the behavior of the macroeconomic variable with other periods and/or other countries at the same period. Screenshots of time-series plots from websites are satisfactory (you do not need to download data).
Model Analysis
Identify between 3 and 10 macroeconomic factors that you believe caused various curves in the models to shift. As a general principle, this should be done as a ceteris paribus analysis in which each factor is modeled separately, assuming that your other chosen factors remain unchanged. If you choose five factors, this will generally involve five sets of charts to explain how each factor would individually affect your variable while holding the other four factors constant. If two or more factors affect the curves in exactly the same way, you don’t need to repeat the same charts (just refer back to the same chart). Don’t try to model the movement of all your factors on one diagram (it will look like spaghetti). It is noted that in some cases, it may not be possible to assume ceteris paribus, given that one factor may affect another factor. This can sometimes be addressed by covering multiple factors within a particular ‘scenario’.
This involves summarizing the individual effects of each of your factors on the macroeconomic variable from the Model Analysis section and how these factors worked together to explain the direction of movement in your variable. This is where you should draw your ‘narrative’ together into a compelling overall argument. It should be clear, interesting and engaging.