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MBAH 204 Human Resource Management Assignment Questions
Max. Marks: 15
Internal Assignment No. 1
1. Answer all the questions:
(i) Differentiate between HRM and HRD.
(ii) Define Job Specification.
(iii) State the causes of Grievance in an organisation
(iv) What is Human Resource Inventory?
(v) List the benefits of Training to an organisation
Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)
2. What do you understand by Human resource management? Explain various functions of Human resource management.
3. Discuss the various sources of recruitment of employees with the merit and demerit of each.
4. Define manpower planning. Discuss the various steps involved in the manpower planning process.
MBAH 204 Human Resource Management Assignment Answers
Internal Assignment No. 2
1. Answer all the questions:
(i) Differentiate between Training and development
(ii) Define induction.
(iii) State the causes of industrial accidents.
(iv) Define 360 appraisal with an example.
(v) What is Red Hot Stove rule?
Note: Answer Any Two Questions. (Word limits 500)
2. Explain the various methods of Training employees with the merits and demerits of each.
3. Discuss the causes of Grievance in an organization and explain the procedure of grievance redressal in an organization.
4. Explain the methods of performance appraisal. What are the weakness in these methods.
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