SQA/4005 Analyze the Significance of Strategic Human Resources Management
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Assignment Details:-
- Unit Name: Strategic Leadership and Human Resource Practices in Organization
- Unit code: SQA/4005
- Words: 6000
Assignment Task:-
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse the significance of Strategic Human Resources Management and its changing landscape in organizations.
- PC 1 Critically analyze the purpose and functions of Human Resources Management in organizations.
- PC 2 Review the scope of Staffing, Development and Compensation HRM activities in your chosen organization.
- PC 3 Analyse the contributions of Human Resources Management activities in achieving Organizational Objectives.
- PC 4 Critically discuss the paradigm shift in various perspectives on Strategic Human Resources Management affecting the contemporary HRM issues of organizations.
Learning Outcome 2: Critically discuss the impact of Human Resources Management activities on the Organisational Performance.
- PC 1 Critically discuss the link between Human Resources Management activities and Organizational Performance.
- PC 2 Apply critical analysis of the contributions of Human Resources Management activities to the Organizational Performance Outcomes in an organization.
- PC 3 Explore and discuss the impact of Human Resources Management on Organizational development.
Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate various leadership styles and practices in organizations.
- PC 1 Evaluate a range of Leadership theories and models for organizational management.
- PC 3.2 Explore and discuss application of various leadership theories and models for organizational management.
- PC 3 Conceptualize the best/most suited leadership styles for organizational development for your chosen organization.
Learning Outcome 4: Plan how to implement change in an organization.
- PC 1 Critically analyze the factors driving change in organizations.
- PC 2 Evaluate a range of change management theories and models.
- PC 3 Develop a change management implementation plan.
- PC 4 Plan how to communicate the change implementation plan to organizational stakeholders.
- PC 4.5 Critically analyse strategies to overcome resistance.
Assignment Task Report [100 Marks]
You are the Senior Regional Head of your company department and have identified a need to set up a new functional branch office. This requires you to present to the team and stakeholders a compelling report on your change proposal. You must develop a model for change, synthesizing issues related to strategic HRM in the chosen organisation. You need to show how you will lead and implement chosen model for change by managing the current Human Capital at hand as well the ways in which this change can enable for HR activities in your organization to contribute strategically.
1. Introduction: This section must cover the following
- Company profile: The Candidate shall provide a brief introduction of the chosen organization with details on its aim, mission, vision, headquarters, key operational areas, business activities, subsidiaries of the company, geographic presence of the company (globally), number of employees, clients, and competitors. The learner must critically analyse the key purpose and functions of the chosen organization’s current HR activities by evaluating and showing evidence of whether the HR objectives have been fulfilled or not (6 marks)
- Aim & Objectives: The aim statement of intent must describe what the learner proposes to achieve by undertaking the A max. of 3 objectives must be listed here. (3 marks)
- Significance and Contextual Relevance: The Candidate is expected to demonstrate his/her knowledge and understanding by elaborating on the various activities undertaken under Staffing, Development and Compensation. Further, the candidate must analyse whether these activities are strategic in nature and if they contribute in helping the company achieve its organizational goals and objectives. (6 marks)
2. Literature Review: The learner is expected to undertake secondary study from a range of academic and commercial publications to critically analyse the various perspectives that have changed over time as well as on the ways in which HRM activities can be Strategic in The literature review must be able to establish a rationale between the Strategic HRM activities and its relation to organizational performance by determining if those activities contribute to organizational performance outcomes like growth, profitability, ROI, competitive advantage, legal compliance, strategic objectives attainment, and key stakeholder satisfaction. The learner should also critically analyse by going through 6-8 research articles and journals how the organisation’s strategic HR direction is affecting the basic contemporary HR issues like staffing, compensation and development of the organisation. (25 marks)
3. Application of understanding and knowledge: The Candidate must understand the chosen organization’s objectives and working procedures related to the HR department. The Candidate shall map out clearly the chosen organization’s goals and objectives against the HR Here the candidate must demonstrate a critical rationale between HRM activities and the organisational performance based on its objectives. An analysis should be done to check if both are aligned or not. The Candidate must justify how the chosen organization’s HRM activities are contributing to the organizational performance objectives. Demonstrate the impact of HRM towards implementation of organisational goals, and analyse whether these activities aided in the organisation’s development. (20 marks)
4. Change Implementation Plan: The Candidate will critically analyse factors driving change in organisations by reviewing literature from 6-8 research articles/ journals. With this researched background, the candidate will now evaluate from a range of change management models like Kotter’s 7 Step Model for Change, ADKAR Model for change and Kurt Levin’s 3 step change management model, by applying any two of these change models to the chosen organisation. The Candidate will evaluate by developing a change management implementation plan, by use of the change models on the following HR functions.
- Forecasting Demand and Supply of Human Capital: The Candidate will be required to evaluate the change management implementation plan with relevant details on addressing the Forecasting Demand and supply of Human Capital of the chosen organisation. This must illustrate the forecast in form of graphical representations to project the candidate’s views and analysis. Further, the work must be justified with a rationale of the proposed plan, including a gap closing strategy should be tabulated as given below.
- Current Human Capital Supply
- Projected Human Capital Demand
- Gap Closing Strategy (10 marks)
- Stakeholder Analysis: The Candidate must demonstrate responsibility to identify and communicate changes of the implemented plan to the organisation’s stakeholders, by addressing all issues and challenges related to resistance, risk and contingency planning. The Candidate will critically analyse the factors contributing to resistance towards change and strategies to overcome them, in the chosen organization, by critically reviewing from 4-6 peer reviewed research articles. (10 marks)
- Communication and Leadership: The Candidate must critically evaluate and determine the rationale and application of various leadership theories and models like Trait Theory, Behavioral Styles Theory, Situational Theories, and Shared Leadership Style for organizational management and direction, compare and contrast the advantages and limitation of different leadership styles used by leaders. This will be done by reviewing of literature from 6-8 research articles/ journals. Conceptualize and justify the most ‘suitable/best/fit’ leadership styles for the change plan in the given Organisational context. (10 marks)
5. Recommendations and Conclusions: Overall recommendations and final conclusion to be given for the chosen organisation. (5 marks)
6. Presentation and References: The work must adhere to the Harvard Style Referencing System with in-text (5 marks)
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