Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Assignment Solutions
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Article review guideline
This activity is designed to enable you to enhance your analytical skill by critically reviewing journal articles, working papers and similar scientific works related to topics in AIS. The review involves identification of the theme the paper attempts to address, evaluation of the theories the author presents as a basis of the study and a comment on validity of the position the author has taken. More importantly, you should evaluate conclusion of the article in light of the existing literature and also comment as to which particular theory it approves or disproves. Specifically, your review should address the following vital issues:
1. What is the major objective of the article?
2. What are the theories discussed in the paper and how do they compare?
3. If the author argues supporting/rejecting a theory, what are his reasons and how valid are the reasons?
4. How well are conclusions of the article aligned with the findings of the study?
5. What exactly does the work contribute and relate to the overall topic of your course?
6. In your opinion, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?
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