PD205 Psychology and Law Enforcement Lesson Plan Questions and Answers
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Referencing Styles: APA
Course Code: PD205
Course Title: Psychology and Law enforcement
Lesson Plan Activity 1
- Are you surprised Detective Smyth was able to get a confession out of Williams?
- What techniques did he use to elicit a confession?
- Do you think the methods that Detective Smyth was appropriate?
- Did he seem to be using any coercion to get Williams to confess?
Lesson Plan Activity 2
- At the beginning of this lesson, you watched Detective Smyth interviewing Russell Williams.
- Williams was a suspect, not a witness, but some of the methods that we just went over are relevant to this interview.
- What techniques did Detective Smyth use to minimize Williams’ anxiety in the interview?
- How did he build rapport with Williams?
- Did he encourage Williams to take an active role in the interview?
Lesson Plan Activity 3
Review Activity:
- Come up with an example of each of these 4 types of questions.
- What types of questions are best to ask in an interview?
- Which types of questions should be avoided? Why?
Lesson Plan Activity 4
- How can police officers protect the rights of youth and people with mental deficits?
- In the course reading, the authors talk about 4 subtests for checking comprehension of Miranda rights (see page 263 of Roesch reading).
- Do you think these would be effective for protecting a suspect’s rights?
Lesson Plan Activity 5
- Compare and contrast the PEACE approach and the REID technique.
- Which do you think would be more effective for getting a suspect to confess?
- Which technique would be more likely to lead to false confessions? Defend your position.
Lesson Plan Activity 6
Activity: Read Case study 9.4 and answer the Critical Thinking question.
Lesson Plan Activity 7
Part a) Question: Why would someone voluntarily confess to a crime they did not commit?
What type of false confession did Joel Labadie make in the Darrelle Exner case described above?
Part b) Activity: Read Case Study 9.5 from Week One’s reading and answer the 3 Critical Thinking questions.
Russell Williams the confession Fifth Estate Book Reference: Forensic psychology and the law: A Canadian perspective. Police investigations, interrogations and confessions. Roesch, Ronald; Zapf, Patricia A.; Hart, Stephen D. & Connolly, Deborah Article Website
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