Mary Rhodes: Operations Manager at Kansas Furniture Aggregate Planning Assignment Answers
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Mary Rhodes: Operations Manager at Kansas Furniture Aggregate Planning Assignment
Mary Rhodes, operations manager at Kansas Furniture, has received the following estimates of demand requirements:
July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. |
1,000 | 1,200 | 1,400 | 1,800 | 1,800 | 1,600 |
Assuming stockout costs for lost sales of $100 per unit, inventory carrying costs of $25 per unit per month, and zero beginning and ending inventory, evaluate these two plans on an incremental cost basis:
a) Plan A: Produce at a steady rate (equal to minimum requirements) of 1,000 units per month and subcontract additional units at a $60 per unit per premium cost.
July | 1 000 |
August | 1 200 |
September | 1 400 |
October | 1 800 |
November | 1 800 |
December | 1 600 |
$ 8 800 |
Period | Demand | Production | End of period inventory | Sub contract units | Inventory cost | Sub contract cost |
June | 1000 | 0 | ||||
July | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
August | 1200 | 1000 | 0 | 200 | 0 | 12000 |
Sept. | 1400 | 1000 | 0 | 400 | 0 | 24000 |
October | 1800 | 1000 | 0 | 800 | 0 | 48000 |
November | 1800 | 1000 | 0 | 800 | 0 | 48000 |
December | 1600 | 1000 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 36000 |
Total Cost | $ 168 000 |
b) Plan B: Vary the workforce, which performs at a current production level of 1,300 units per month. The cost of hiring additional workers is $3,000 per 100 units produced. The cost of layoffs is $6,000 per 100 units cut back.
Month | Demand | Production | Hire | Layoff | Hire Cost | Layoff Cost |
June | 1300 | |||||
July | 1000 | 1000 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 18000 |
August | 1200 | 1200 | 200 | 0 | 6000 | 0 |
September | 1400 | 1400 | 200 | 0 | 6000 | 0 |
October | 1800 | 1800 | 400 | 0 | 12000 | 0 |
November | 1800 | 1800 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
December | 1600 | 1600 | 0 | 200 | 0 | 12000 |
24000 | 30000 | |||||
Total Cost | $ 54000 |
Mary Rhodes also considering two more mixed strategies. Using the above data and compare plans C and D with plans A and B and make a recommendation.
a) Plan C: Keep the current workforce steady at a level producing 1,300 units per month. Subcontract the remainder to meet demand. Assume that 300 units remaining from June are available in July.
b) Plan D: Keep the current workforce at a level capable of producing 1,300 units per month. Permit a maximum of 20% overtime at a premium of $40 per unit. Assume that warehouse limitations permit no more than a 180-unit carryover from month to month. This plan means that any time inventories reach 180, the plant is kept idle time per unit is $60. Any additional needs are subcontracted at a cost of $60 per incremental unit.
Question 2
Your manager, Mr Fauzi, projects the firm’s aggregate planning demand requirements over the next 6 months as follows:
Jan | 1,400 | Apr | 1,800 |
Feb | 1,600 | May | 2,200 |
Mar | 1,800 | Jun | 2,200 |
You are required to consider a few new production plans with the following information:
December demand | 1,600 units |
December production rate | 1,600 units |
Cost of lost sales (stockout) | RM100 per unit |
Cost of holding inventory | RM20 per unit per month |
Cost of hiring workers | RM50 per unit |
Cost of laying off workers | RM75 per unit |
Cost of subcontracting | RM75 per unit |
- Plan A: Vary the workforce level (chase strategy) by producing the quantity demanded in the prior month. Evaluate this plan.
- Plan B: Produce at a constant rate of 1,400 units per month, which will meet the minimum demands. Then use subcontracting to subcontract to meet the rest of the demand. Evaluate this plan.
- Plan C: Keep stable workforce by maintaining a constant production rate equal to average requirements and allow varying inventory levels. Evaluate this plan.
- Plan D: Keep the current workforce stable at producing 1,600 units per month and subcontract to meet the rest of the demand. Evaluate this plan.