CHC52015 Manage Personal and Professional Development
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Assignment Details:-
- Topic: Personal and Professional Development
- Words: 5000
What is this workbook about?
The units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the workplace. This assessment addresses the following unit of competency:
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
- Reflect on own practice
- Enhance own practice
- Facilitate ongoing professional development
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
- Establish personal work goals
- Set and meet own work priorities
- Develop and maintain professional
Context for Assessment
To complete the assessments in this workbook, students need to have access to their learning materials and the Internet. The Knowledge Assessment and Case Study may be completed place of study.
The tasks within the Assessor Observation Form must be completed wholly at the student’s home or chosen in a workplace.
Assessment Requirements
The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for assessment.
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three (3) key assessment components:
1. Performance Evidence
- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
2. Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied to understanding the tasks described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be conducted under
The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these components as detailed in the matrix to follow:
Units of Competency | ||
Assessment Activities | CHCPRP303 | BRBWOR501 |
Knowledge Assessment | ||
Practical Assessment |
Assessment Methods
This workbook uses the following assessment methods:
- Knowledge Assessment- A set of generic and workplace questions testing the student’s general knowledge and understanding of the general theory behind the unit.
- Case Study- Detailed scenarios and simulated environments providing all necessary information required t o complete relevant tasks and activities.
Resources Required for Assessment
Assessor to provide:
- Information about work
You will need access to:
- Computer with access to Internet and email
- Installed software: MS Office Word (or equivalent), Adobe Acrobat Reader
The questions in this workbook are divided into two (2) categories:
- Knowledge Assessment
- Practical Assessment
The questions under Knowledge Assessment are all in a short answer format. The longer questions requiring creative and analytical thought processes are covered in the Practical Assessment . You must answer all questions using your own words . However, you may reference your learner guide and other relevant resources and learning materials to complete this assessment.
Some questions cover processes you would likely encounter in a workplace. Ideally, you should be able to answer these questions based on the processes that are currently in place in your workplace. However, if you do not currently have access to a workplace, then answer the questions based on processes that should be implemented in a typical workplace setting.
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links
There are instructions in this workbook that will refer you to intranet pages and external links. These intranet pages and external links are formatted in Blue Underlined Text.
To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users or the Command ⌘ key for Mac users while clicking on these links.
1. In Subject 1 Legal and Ethical Compliance , you learned about legal and ethical considerations that case workers in the community services sector must observe. They include codes of practice, duty of care, rights and responsibilities of workers and employers, and work role boundaries.
Discuss how each of these requirements is relevant to your personal and professional development in the community services sector.
Each discussion must be 80 – 150 words in length.
a. Codes of practice | ||
b. Duty of care | ||
c. Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers | ||
d. Work role boundaries responsibilities and limitations | ||
2. Below are the four stages in kolb’s experiential learning cycle. Discuss each stage and provide one example or scenario in managing cases in community services where this stage can be experienced.
The first stage has already been completed for your guidance. |
Stage | Discussion | Example
(Your example must be relevant to case management in the community services sector.) |
a. Concrete experience | Sample answer: A new experience of situation is encountered or a reinterpretation o f existing experience; learning from specific experiences and relating to people. | Sample answer: The case worker is introduced
assessment of and interview with the client and his family and carers. In this experience the case work the client. |
b. Reflective observation | ||||||
c. Abstract conceptualisation | ||||||
d. Active experimentation |
3. Another model useful in professional reflection is schon’s Reflection – in- action model. In your own words, discuss this model.
Your response must be 60 – 100 words in length.
4. Research online and source two (2) specific examples for each of the following professional development options below. Your examples must be relevant to additional skills for case managers or those working directly with clients in the community services industry.
List them below and provide a description of each. A sample response below is given for your guidance. Professional development opportunities and options |
a. Industry networking |
i. Sample answer: Case Management Society of Australia & New Zealand a national registration and re gulatory body for Certified Case Managers and the peak body for professionals working in case management roles in Australia and New Zealand. |
ii. |
b. Professional associations |
i. |
ii. |
c. Training opportunities and options |
i. |
ii. |
5. Listed below are examples of informal and formal learning that you may undergo as part of your personal and professional development in case management.
Write if it is an example of informal learning and if it is an example of formal learning. |
Examples of informal and formal learning | |
a. Enrolling in tertiary courses in educational institutions to gain qualification. | |
b. Coaching and mentoring from supervisor for a case worker who just started in the organisation. | |
c. Self- directed e – learning activities (e.g. TED Talks, YouTube, iTunes U, Google Scholar). | |
d. In- house training provided by the organisation for a case worker transitioning into a managerial role. |
6. The following are concepts and methods relevant to personal and professional development in case management. For each concept and method, discuss its principles and provide at least one (1) technique that can be used. | ||
a. Creating a personal development plan | ||
Principles: | Technique: | |
b. Personal goal setting | ||
Principles: | Technique: | |
c. Setting realistic time frames | ||
Principles: | Technique: | |
d. Performance and progress measurement | ||
Principles: | Technique: | |
e. Effective time management | ||
Principles: | Technique: | |
f. Awareness of self, personal behaviour, and traits. | ||
Principles: | Technique: |
7. Listed below are methods are practices that are used to improved one’s performance.
In your own words, briefly discuss each in the context of working in case management. Your discussion must be between 60 – 100 words in length. |
a. Professional development
b. Coaching and mentoring c. Reflective practice |
8. Consider the different learning types provided below. In your own words, discuss each learning style and provide at least one (1) specific strategy or approach appropriate for accommodating each learning style when working within the case management process.
Do not exceed fifty (50) words for each discussion. |
Learning style | Discussion
(Do not exceed fifty (50) words for each discussion) |
Approach / strategy
(Provide at least (1) for each learning style) |
Visual | ||||||
Kinaesthetic/Tactile | ||||||
Auditory |
9. Describe three (3) methods you would apply to achieve a healthy work – life balance while working as a case manager.
Do not exceed 60 words for each discussion
Instructions to Student
For this part of the assessment, you will be required to create your personal development plan (P DP), which will help you facilitate your personal and professional development relevant to case management.
This part is divided into six (6) tasks:
TASK 1 – Nominating a community services organisation
TASK 2 – Researching about role requirements and responsibilities in case management
TASK 3 – Researching about current and emerging industry trends
TASK 4 – Creating your personal development plan
TASK 5 – Implementing your personal development plan
TASK 6 – Undertaking a structured reflection process following implementation
To accomplish this assessment, follow the steps outlined in each of the tasks below. You are required to complete all parts of the assessment submit all the evidence required.
IMPORTANT: Read the instructions for all tasks carefully before proceeding!
Task 1 – Nominating a community services organisation
1. Undertake research and look for a community services organisation where you are interested in doing your vocational placement.
To help you accomplish this, you may undertake online research or you may investigate options in your area or state/territory. Guidance: Your nominated organisation must be a provider of case management services in the community services sector. IMPORTANT: If you are already employed in a similar organisation, then you may nominate your own organisation for this assessment.
2. Find out more about your nominated organisation. You may access and have a working website yet, then you must obtain and scan a document containing basic information about the organisation (e.g. a brochure, flyer, or poster). Specifically, you need the following information: Name of organisation Address Description of the organisation Vision and statement of the organisation |
Complete the Information Sheet provided below by filling in the required information and details about your nominated organisation.
no working website yet, then you must obtain and scan a copy of a prin tout document containing basic information of the organisation (e.g. brochure or flyers).
Information Sheet |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Short description of the organisation | |
Organisation’s vission and mission statement | |
Link to the website (only if available) | |
Screenshot/scan of a brochure or flyer containing basic information about the organisation | Guidance: You are required to provide this if you are website. |
Task 2 – Researching about case management role requirements and responsibilities
1. Source information about one (1) employment/vocational placement position in you r nominated organisation.
This position must be relevant to the delivery of case management services and be one that you may be interested in applying for. These role titles may include but not limited to:
Guidance: The role titles will greatly vary across organisations. You may provide role titles other than the examples listed above, provided they are relevant to the delivery of case management services in the industry sector.
2. Provide information about this job position, which must include:
Guidance: This information is typically found in the ‘Careers’ section of the organisation website. If you cannot find this in the website, then visit any job portal websites such as or jobs, and search for the required information above. This will give you some helpful information about the role you are seeking to apply for. IMPORTANT: If you are already employed in role relevant to case management, you may use your own job titl e for this assessment, and provide the requirements and job description for this role. |
- Identify the role title or position that you have selected in your nominated This role must be relevant to case management.
- Identify at least three (3) requirements for the role you are seeking to apply for in your
- Identify at least three (3) responsibilities relevant to the role you are seeking to apply for in your nominated
- Identify at least one (1) skill that you do not have yet or in which you need to improve on. Your responses must be relevant to case management in the community services industry.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
IMPORTANT: If you are already employed in role relevant to case management, you may use your current job title for this assessment, and provide the requirements and job description for this role.
a. Role title or position |
b. At least three (3) role requirements |
c. At least three (3) role responsibilities |
d. One (1) skill that you do not have yet or in which you need to improve on. |
Task 3 – Researching about current and emerging industry trends
1. Source one (1) content online about current and emerging industry trends relevant to your personal and professional development in case management.
The content you source may include but not limited to:
IMPORTANT: The content you sourced must be:
2. Provide a summary of the content you sourced. Ensure to cite your sources. 3. Discuss how this information can be applied in your personal and professional development. |
TASK 3.1
Provide a summary of the content you sourced. Your summary must be relevant to your personal and professional development in case management and must be between 200-300 words in length. Ensure to cite your sources in the spaces provided. IMPORTANT: Ensure the content you sourced is from a reputable source (I.e. not Wikipedia, personal blogs and websites, questionable sites that may have biased opinions and agendas, opinionated articles, etc.) and is current and no more five years old in the current year. |
Title of article or content | |
Website | |
Date published | |
Author or organisation | |
Link |
TASK 3.2
Discuss how the information you sourced in TASK 3.1 is relevant to your personal and professional development.
Your response must be within 60 – 100 words in length.
Task 4 – Creating a personal development plan
1. Based on the information you gathered in TASK 1, 2, and 3, create a one- month Personal Development Plan, using the template provided in this workbook.
2. Specifically, your Personal Development Plan must include:
IMPORTANT: It is crucial that you set realistic goals for one month as you will be required to implement the plan in TASK 5 . Specifically, your goals must be in line with the following:
3. Once complete d, upload Tasks 1, 2 and 3 with your partially completed Personal Development Plan as your first submission. 4. Your assessor will evaluate tasks 1, 2 and 3 as well as your Personal Development Plan against the criteria outlined in the Assessor’s Checklist. Review your plan before submitting and ensure that you have met all the requirements outlined in this checklist. IMPORTANT: Ensure that you have kept a copy of your Personal Development Plan, as you will still use this in TASK 5. |
Create your one – month Personal Development Plan. Use the Personal Development Template found in the next page.
Do not complete yet the “Data Achieved” column. You will only complete this when you get to TASK 5.
Once completed, submit t he completed plan to your assessor as a separate document. You must submit your plan even before completing this workbook.
Your assessor will evaluate your Personal Development Plan against the criteria ensure that you have met all the requirements outlined in this checklist.
Ensure that you have kept a copy of your Personal Development Plan, as you will still use this in TASK 5.
Personal Development Plan (Template)
Personal Development Plan | ||||
Name: | Date: | |||
Goals | Criteria | Action | Time frame | Date achieved |
Sample response:
Sample response:
Sample response:
Sample response:
I have agreed to accomplish the goals outlined above within the given timeframes. Signed: |
Task 5 – Implementing your personal development plan
1. Implement the plan you created. Accomplish at least two (2) goals following the action plan or strategies you have identified.
2. Revisit your Personal Development Plan and fill in dates of when you completed a goal under the “Data achieved” column. 3. Provide evidence for at least two (2) goals that you have completed. Evidence you submit will greatly vary depending on the goals you have set for yourself. Evidence may include but not limited to:
IMPORTANT: Your evidence must clearly align with the per sonal development plan and must clearly show that you have been able to achieve your goals within one month, as set in the plan. 4. Submit your evidence along with this completed workbook. Specifically, the evidence you submit must:
TASK 5.1
Upon implementing your personal development plan, revisit your plan and fill in the dates under the “Data achieved” column for the goals you completed.
Submit this updated plan along with this completed workbook.
TASK 5.2
Submit evidence documenting your completion of at least two (2) goals in your Personal Development Plan.
Specifically, evidence you submit must:
- Relevant to at least two (2) goals in your plan
- Reflective of the criteria or indicator of success set for each goal
- Show they have been accomplished within the set time frames
- Indicate dates that coincide with those you indicated in your updated Personal Development Plan
Task 6 – Undertaking a structured reflection process following implementation of your plan
1. You will be provided a set of questions to guide your reflection following the implementation of your Personal Development Plan.
2. Answer each question under this task based on your experience in implementing the plan. |
The following questions are provided to guide you in reflecting after the implementation of your Personal Development Plan.
Read each question carefully and answer them based on your experiences in implementing your plan.
1. Discuss how your personal development plan is relevant to the following:
a. |
b. |
c. |
2. Were you able to accomplish all the goals you set in your Personal Development Plan?
If yes, discuss what helped you in accomplishing these goals. If no, discuss what hindered you in accomplishing these goals |
3. Identify at least (1) area of improvement you could make in the plan you have created. |