CHC52015 Task: Diploma of Community Services
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Assignment Details:-
- Course Code: CHC52015
- Course Title: Diploma of Community Services
- Referencing Styles: Not Selected
- Words: 2500
- University: Victoria University
- Country: AU
Case Scenario
You work in a Centre which provides emergency and medium-term accommodation to women with or without children who are experiencing domestic violence.
Your agency also provides a range of support services including:
Assistance with housing
Furniture and clothing
Counselling support
Outreach to women who have left the shelter
Specialist support for children and young people
Information services
The agency employs multilingual, multicultural workers and provides culturally responsive services to Aboriginal women and women from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background.
Your client’s name is Margaret, who is an Aboriginal woman in her early twenties. She arrives at the centre late one night, with two small children and no luggage. She has bruises and lacerations on her arms, chest and legs, and is very distressed, as are her children. She is also at an advanced stage of pregnancy.
- List some of the important factors to consider for your initial contact/interview with Margaret.
- Identify any cultural issues that need to be considered in this example.
- Write what you would say to Margaret to explain her rights and her avenues for complaint within the agency.
- Identify at least TWO (2) of Margaret’s needs for EACH of the following categories:
- Immediate Needs
- Short Term Needs
- Long Term Needs
- What skills and knowledge would be required to work with this client?