BSBITU202 Create And Use Spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel – Spencer Technical College Assignment Task
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Assignment Details:
- Referencing Styles: Open
- Words: 3500
- Course Code: BSBITU202
- Course Title: Create and use spreadsheets
- University: Spencer Technical College
- Country: AU
The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge and produce the critical evidence to successfully demonstrate competency at the required standard.
For this task you are to complete the following steps to create and use simple spreadsheets, ensuring to adhere to the designated timelines and organisational requirements for speed and accuracy.
Perform the following steps to select and prepare the resources required:
- Adjust your workspace, including the furniture and equipment, to suit your own WHS, work organisation and ergonomic needs
- In consultation with relevant personnel, identify and clarify the spreadsheet task requirements, including the designated timeline for the task and the style and presentation
- Obtain and revise the organisational and statutory requirements relevant to energy and resource conservation, and consult with relevant others on the techniques to be used throughout the task to minimise wastage created the simple spreadsheets by completing the following steps, ensuring to adhere to the designated timelines and organisational requirements for speed and accuracy:
- Accurately enter the data, check it and amend as required, ensuring to maintain consistency of the design and layout in accordance with the organisational and task requirements
- Use the software functions to format the spreadsheet, including adjusting the page and cell layout to meet the information requirements
- Test and check all formula used to confirm that the output meets the task requirements, consulting with appropriate personnel as required
- As required throughout the task, access and use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production
Complete the following steps to produce simple charts
- Select the chart type and design which enables a valid representation of the numerical data and which meets the organisational and task requirements
- Use the appropriate data range in the spreadsheet to create the chart
- Use formatting features to modify chart type and layout
Finalise the spreadsheet by completing the following steps:
- Preview the spreadsheet and any accompanying charts, adjust them as required and print a copy in accordance with the organisational and task requirements
- Name and store the spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without data loss/damage
- Open the spreadsheet to demonstrate there was no data loss/damage in the saving and exiting process.
After the successful completion of the above steps, you will need to sit down with your assessor and discuss:
- Describe the organisational requirements considered and applied throughout the task for ergonomic standards, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques
- Briefly outline the organisational guidelines for spreadsheet manipulation and processing
- Explain the purpose of the various spreadsheet functions used throughout the task.