

Social Science is a science division that deals with human social institutions and functions and with the interactive relationship with the individuals as a member of Society. Further, It is a part of political and economics. The Social Science word indicate the original “science of society”, established in the 19th century.


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Social Science Assignment Sample


Assignment Help AUS ensures students with best written Social Science Assignment Samples before final assignment delivery for reference. Our expert writers deal with all assignment questions of social science meticulously so that no portion of the assignment question remains untouched. Our assignment examples for university format and gives the layout of proper and professional social science assignment layout. Students looking for best quality assignments come to us, we deliver only top grades securing assignments on time. Book your order now.


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Social Science Assignment Writing Process:





10 Major Social Science Assignment Subjects

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology


Social Science Assignment Sample & Example:


Questions: Increasing Rate of Women Imprisonment in Australia Name Institution


Increasing Rate of Women Imprisonment in Australia

Prison imprisonment rates in Australia have been on the rise since early 2000. It is not only Australia that is being faced with such a trend, but also the world at large. Different nations have had the same situation where the numbers of crimes have increased leading to many people being imprisoned (Fazel & Seewald, 2012). The worrying trend is that suddenly the number of women who get to prisons has recently been on the rise compared to the males. This provides arguments and debate posing a question that, in modern societies does it mean that women are being involved more in criminal activities than men? A lot of opinions have been raised with some studies and research is providing evidence that indeed that may be the case since female prisons in Australia have had an increasing population which is vice versa trend. Additionally, the male population before early 2000 was more compared to that of the women but after things changing the trend has reversed with more population comprising of females in present days. Many studies have posed questions to know the reason behind this, and the main finding is that the changing lifestyle may be the cause of such trends (Fazel & Seewald, 2012)…………….


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